Coming to the Lord

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Coming to the Lord


Daily Prayer March week 10 Day 4 HKL:

Our Father in Heaven, thank You for everything that You have done for us and are doing for us each and every day. Please continue to guide us with Your Truth and empower us by Your Holy Spirit. Take us to the next level in You, Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Daily Prayer Meet HKL :

One of our sisters in Christ is finally able to join us for the daily prayer meet. Initially when she had decided to join us, she developed fever which debilitated her for a while, and she was not able to come. We have prayed for her healing at the previous Christian Fellowship meeting and she has now recovered. Praise the Lord for healing her, protecting her, and bringing her to the prayer meet.

It was indeed a good time of praying and seeking the Lord for His Wisdom and Guidance. It also gave me the opportunity to follow up in person with this sister to help her in her journey with the Lord, on top of the regular communications via phone.

Thank You, Lord, for the impartation of Your Wisdom to us, and bringing us closer to You in our knowledge of You and our relationship with You. Please continue to guide us and be with us. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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