ALL Belongs to the Lord and Die to Live in Christ

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ALL Belongs to the Lord and Die to Live in Christ


O What A Glorious Day! The Lord is here! The Lord is near. His Presence is so evident here.

This morning, as I walk around my workplace for the Prayer March, praying and interceding for everyone in this place, my prayer turned into a song. These words came to me and I kept repeating them over and over again in a song. I sang this prayer to the Lord,

Come, Holy Spirit
I submit them all to You
Come, Holy Spirit
Take them all to You

All Glory to God. Hallelujah!

During lunch hour, I had the great privilege of having a prayer session with my dear anointed brother in Christ, who visited us at CF on 15/7/2016, and his wife. I thank the Lord for His love, that He would send our brother and sister here to pray for me and with me. I receive the anointing from both my brother and sister, a further 10 times of their portion.

Our brother sees a vision of Arrows in front of me. These Arrows are Weapons from the Lord to be used for His Work. Yes, the Lord is granting us His Power to do His Work. Hallelujah!

At the end of the prayer session, I saw a vision from the Lord. I saw His Power come down from Heaven and spread ALL over the ground, everywhere.

Yes, Lord, ALL belongs to You. Thank You, Lord! Hallelujah!

Our brother also receives the same vision from the Lord.

After the prayer, we had a teaching from our brother and we were joined by two other colleagues.

We learnt from the Lord in Luke 2:25-35, Luke 3:21-23, Luke 4:14-27, Colossians 3:1-4.

We learnt from the Lord today that we must be willing to bless and anoint others for God's power to multiply among us and for the future generations. We must REPENT from our sins, DIE to self, and let GOD TAKE OVER OUR LIFE COMPLETELY. After we have DIED and FULLY SURRENDERED to Him, then His power will flow through us as we do His work. Then, we will be in the Supernatural. And, the time is NOW.

Yes, Lord, I no longer want to live in the natural. I want to live in the Supernatural. I die, Lord. I have died. It is no longer my life, but it is Your Life. Take over, Lord. I fully surrender to You.

Die to live in Christ!

Colossians 3:1-4 NLT
Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God's right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all his glory.

After the prayer, I visited our dear colleague's brother-in-law who is in a coma in ICU with severe encephalopathy. Withdrawal of care had been discussed with the family. The family does not want him to suffer any longer and is contemplating withdrawal of care. I called my colleague to come with me to pray for him. I am not giving up. I do not want him to suffer in eternity. It is not over yet. I believe the Lord will show His Glory.

As we prayed for him, I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit with us. I spoke to him close to his ear about Jesus Christ. I told him that Jesus loves him and wants to forgive him of his sins and asked him whether he wants to receive Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. I waited for his response. He was stationary as I was speaking to him, but after I asked him if he wanted to receive Jesus, there was a slight movement. I then placed my right hand on his head and my left hand over his body to pray to our Lord Jesus to heal him, so that he may receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour, and give him a new life.

Save him, Lord. I know that You love him.

Thank you, Lord for being in the midst of us. We await Your miracle, Lord.

Come, Lord Jesus, reign over us. Take over. We need You. Send Your Holy Spirit. We need Your power. We want to see Your Glory.

We belong to You, Lord. We surrender this life entirely to You.

All Glory to God. Hallelujah!

Die to live in Christ


For our sins

That we may live

To give new life

A new life
In Him

A new life
By Him

A new life
For Him

Set your mind
On things Above

Set your eyes
On Christ

Set your life
On God

Die to self
To live in Christ

Die to self
Receive new life

Die to self
Receive real life

Die to self
Be hidden in Christ

Die to self
To live in Christ

Is now
Your life

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