Prayer March Week 1: 18/7/2016 - 22/7/2016

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Upon receiving the Message from God via His messenger, the Vision, and His written Word, I have faithfully prayed for our workplace from Monday to Friday every morning from 6.30am - 7.30am.

I thank everyone who prayed at whatever location you were at in our workplace; and not to forget those of you who are not in the workplace, and retired, but are still one family with us in spirit, praying at your homes. Well done!

All honour and glory to God!

This week has been fruitful indeed.

On the very first day, immediately after completing the prayer march, I had the opportunity to invite a doctor to join the Christian Fellowship (CF). It was divine intervention. I had completed the march and was texting to inform all of you, when she appeared in front of me. God made me stop at that place for us to meet. However, I must admit, it was not until she passed me by several feet away before I realized that I should invite her. I literally had to turn around, walk backward, and call her, to attain the opportunity to ask her. I was so blind. I thank God that He made me realize soon enough to not miss the opportunity.

This week, every day, the Lord wakes me up early, way before the alarm goes off. The Lord woke me up 1-2 hours before the alarm clock. I have learnt that if the Lord wakes you up at that hour of the morning, He wants to spend time alone with you to speak to you. So, I wake up to pray on my knees humbly before Him and study His Word. I am fighting a spiritual battle. Therefore, the Lord is preparing me for the battle with spiritual preparation – submitting the battle to the Lord and feeding on His Word.

Throughout the week, I had learnt to humble myself before the Lord praying on my knees, and persevere in praying for the workplace marching around faithfully. I had struggled for so long in my life to change and transform myself into His likeness. It was so difficult. However, I realized as I spent more time with our Lord in prayer and in His Word, He is working His power in me and transforming me from within.

I also see God moving and working in our workplace. God is breaking the spiritual wall. I had several different colleagues asking me on different occasions about my life and what I do outside of work. These are amazing opportunities to let them know that I am a Christian and what a Christian does and how we worship God. There was a colleague who asked me what I was going to do when I returned home from work. She was interested to the point of asking me how long I spend reading, studying, and meditating on the Bible and praying to God. She was indeed surprised to know that Christians spend so many hours with God. I also had the opportunity to invite others to CF and share some Christian reading materials with believers and non-believers.

Today on the 5th day of prayer, when I prayed for the Department of P*, I had included in my prayer a fellow brother in Christ who works there, whom I have not seen for a long while. I had specifically mentioned his name today to the Lord in my prayer. Hallelujah!!!!! God had answered my prayer. This particular brother in Christ came to attend CF today!  And, not only that, this brother in Christ has expressed his desire to join me in the Prayer March around the workplace everyday! All glory to God! Hallelujah!!!!!

Do not be disheartened. The Lord is with us. He hears our prayers. His power is working in this place and in every heart.


All honour and glory to God!

We thank you, Lord Jesus, for everything that you have done for us this week. Amen.

For those who have been added to the group after the sharing of the message on the vision, this is the vision that I saw for our workplace on 17/7/2016:

I saw the whole workplace surrounded by a large FIRE of the HOLY SPIRIT with JESUS standing above watching over it. Then, I saw that the current situation in the workplace is that there is hardly any fire but then I saw small scattered fires throughout it and these need to be brought together to grow a BIGGER FIRE and GROW till widespread throughout the workplace. The small scattered fires are individual believers in CHRIST with the HOLY SPIRIT in them that must be UNITED TOGETHER for it to spread everywhere. Then, I saw another vision that GOD is the SHEPHERD and we are the sheep. The sheep are all scattered and must be brought together in unity. Each believer has the fire within them. We have the HOLY SPIRIT in us. When we are united together, the FIRE will be BIG. Then, I saw FIRE coming down from the glorious Heaven raining onto the workplace that is surrounded by FIRE.

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