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I needed some issues to be dealt with at the workplace. I had brought up the issues to the head of department, and the head of department agrees with me that these issues need to be brought up to the top management. I was uncertain on the best way to bring the issues up to the top management. I submitted the matter to the Lord and left it entirely into His Hands to handle the issue.

Today, the Lord provides me with a meeting with my top management boss.

I attended the monthly assembly at my workplace. During this assembly, hosted by the Department of Finance, a quiz on financial knowledge particularly on rules and policies was handed out to the attendees. After the assembly, the results of the participants who answered all the questions correctly were announced in front of two of my top management bosses. My name was the first to be announced.

After the event, my immediate top management boss, calls me to speak with her. She asks me about the very issues I wish to bring up to her. Praise the Lord! God has provided me with the opportunity.

After the discussion, my boss expresses her wish for me to be brought to a higher level in the workplace. She wants me to pursue further education, and she will give approval when I submit my application for a Masters Programme, even for studies abroad, which she recommends that I take.

I am uncertain on whether this is in the Will of Our Father. I have not heard from the Lord on this matter. Anyway, I would not be able to pursue further education without funding. I will wait upon the Lord for His direction. For now, I know that I am to continue in this job position that the Lord had placed me in. My current and main purpose is to serve Him by leading the Christian Fellowship here in my workplace. This is what He has called me to do, and I will faithfully do this.


Today, my head of department informs me that the issues that I had discussed with her were brought up at the top management meeting. Finally, a step forward towards improvement and settlement of issues. Praise the Lord for His Providence! Thank You, Lord. Hallelujah!

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