Jesus, My God

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Jesus, My God


My dear Lord Jesus
Thank You for
Revealing Yourself to me

You are so magnificent
Such beauty and splendour
Incomparable to any other

Your Mighty Hand
Is of Limitless Power
Transcending all borders

Your Love is so true
Piercing into my heart and soul
Resonating my spirit

Every Word from You
Is so enlightening
Bringing clarity and peace to my mind

Your Joy and Laughter
Uplifts my spirit
I treasure these moments with You

You are ever present
Never leaving my side
O Such comfort despite the tide

Thank You, Lord
For taking over my life
To live in and through You

My dear Lord Jesus
Thank You so very much
For being my God

Journal Of My Life With GodNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ