Is it fair?

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Is it fair?


Is it fair?

I recalled a lesson I had learnt from God last year.

Previously, prior to this lesson from God, I would get upset when I felt that things were unfair.

It's not fair! It's not fair! I would say frustratingly.

Gradually, as I went through life, God was teaching me about life, and finally one day when something unfair occurred to me at work, I was surprised by my response.

For the first time in my life, I did not say that it was not fair, even though my colleague was telling me so at that moment. Instead, I pondered to myself and questioned whether it was fair.

Is it fair? I wondered.

At that moment, I realised that I was not angry, frustrated, or upset. Instead, I was trying to understand why it was occurring.

After work, as I was travelling home, I was still pondering over my circumstance. Is it fair?

Then, I realised that it was Good Friday, and I had not placed my focus on what Christ had done for me and give Him honour by acknowledging His death on the cross. I was preoccupied by my own circumstance. Thus, I immediately shifted my focus to Jesus, and apologised for my actions and thanked God for what He had done for me on the cross. At that moment, I saw Christ on the cross and God spoke to me.

He said, "It was not fair for Jesus to die on the cross for you."

Immediately, I realised that it was not fair for Him to die for my sins. He was without sin yet He took the punishment for me. A punishment that I could not bear for myself, but He willingly did for me. I thanked the Lord and was grateful for His Mercy and Grace upon me.

From that moment on, I understood and the issue of things being unfair no longer frustrated me.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for what You have done for us on the cross.

All Glory to God! Hallelujah!

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