My Funny Senpai * Reiji *

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Your POV~

I was always the shy type. I never really talked to anyone and no one really talked to me. But that all changed once I met a certain Burnett prankster, Reiji. Reiji and I have been friends since I entered the academy. He's always made me laugh, even when I just felt like breaking down and crying. Reiji and I were now at a new cafe. As we ordered what we wanted, me an iced coffee and Reiji a mocha hot chocolate Reiji thought it would be funny it to put a napkin on my head. I giggled at his silly action and took the napkin off my head. " Reiji senpai you can be so silly. ", I said smiling. " I try my best. Anything to put a smile on your pretty face. ", he said giving his goofy smiles. I could feel my face getting warm. Sometimes I swear there's something wrong with me. I mean every time he says something like that to my I feel butterflies. I shook off the feeling and calmed my blush.

Time skip~

As we left the cafe I noticed that Reiji was acting a little odd. " Reiji senpai are you feeling alright? ", I asked with a look of concern overwhelming my features. "...Of course. Why would there be anything wrong..", Reiji trailed. I wanted to continue because I knew he was lying but I didn't want to upset him. For the longest time, we walked in silence. I would ever so often glance at Reiji and would notice a frown on his face every time. I just couldn't take it anymore so I broke the silence. " Reiji I know somethings wrong with you so please tell? ", I begged.

Reiji's POV~

I just couldn't lie to her begging so I gave in. " If I tell you, promise me you won't freak out. ", I said looking away. She smiled at my actions and said " I promise. " A light shade of red ran a cross my face. " F-F/N I-I. I-" The sweet breeze began to sway F/N's h/c hair back and forth. Watching this only made my face redden even more. She was just so beautiful. " F/NIloveyouandreallywanttobewithyou.", I said quickly without taking any breaths. F/N hugged me. " Oh, Reiji I love you to my funny senpai! "

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