Loving A Monster Like Me *Ranmaru*

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This is a request from AmyKannedy. I'll be honest I was actually really excited about writing this. Hope you enjoy^^


(Ranmaru X vampire reader)

Your POV~

     I let out a silent sigh as I watched him from afar. Right now he's in another fight with his fellow bandmate. Who might he be, you ask? Well, the one and only silver haired rocker from the band Quartet Night, Ranmaru Kurosaki. Tonight him and his bandmate, Camus were arguing because Camus insulted the rocker's taste in music. I watched in pure awe as the tall tsundere defended his love for rock. I accidentally let out a giggle that was too loud. I instantly covered my mouth. "Oi, who's there?", Ranmaru yelled, walking over to my hiding spot. 'Shit! I have to get out of here!' I quickly threw my hood over my head and ran out of the shadows.

Ranmaru's POV~

    As I approached the spot where the person that was spying on us was a small figure covered with a hood ran out of the shadows.  "Who the hell are you?", I asking in a demanding manner. The figure gave a soft giggle. "So it seems I have made my presence too noticeable.", the figure's soft voice said. "Ah, it seems we were just being spied on by a lovely fan Ran-Ran.", Reiji said putting his arm on my shoulder. I moved a way from the idiot and he pouted. "You're so mean!", he whined. "Tsk. Whatever.", I grumbled.

  "You have nothing to worry about. I am not a fan. I am nothing more than a lonely monster.", the mysterious girl said. 'What the hell is she talking about?' "You really shouldn't be out here so late at night. It's quite dangerous for mortals like you. especially since you're idols. You might end up as someone's prey if not careful.", she warned us. Reiji tilts his head and looks confused. The girl let out a heavy sigh.

Your POV~

    'It seems they don't understand me. Well, it makes sense since they all mortals. I guess I'll have no choice.' I hesitantly close my e/c orbs and take the hood off my head. When I opened my eyes I opened my mouth so they could see my fangs. "This is what I mean. Just because you've never met immortals like myself doesn't automatically mean we don't exist. We do exist and next time you might not be so lucky. Next time you might end up facing your demise."

Ranmaru's POV~

   I stared at the h/c girl in shock. 'What is she? She has fangs, so is she a vampire? She looks kind of cute...Wait what?! What the hell am I saying?!' Reiji poked at my cheek. "Ran-Ran are you okay? Your cheeks are light pink." I swat his hand away. "I'm fine, baka." I turn back towards the girl. "You never explained why you were spying on us.", I said, glaring at her. Her cheeks turned scarlet red. "Um, I was just paying attention to you. I seem to be fond of you, Ranmaru-San.", she confessed fiddling with her thumbs. "You see since I'm not human I thought it would be best not to come in contact with you, so instead I'd watch you from afar and make sure another immortal wouldn't try to kill you." My face felt like it was on fire. I quickly turned my head to hide my blush. "What the hell?"

  "Now, Ran-Ran be nice. This lovely girl just confessed to you. You should be considerate of her feelings.", Reiji said, turning towards the girl. "May I ask what your name is, dear?" She gave him a nod. "My name is F/n L/n." "F/n-san from what my data says, you have very complex emotions towards Ranmaru.", Ai said, looking into the girl's eyes. She quickly nodded. Ai then looked at me. 'What the fuck is he doing?' "It would seem he also feels complex emotions towards you." My eyes shot wide. 'What the fuck!?' "Baka, no I don't!", I snapped at him.

   F/n laughed. "You truly are a tsundere, Maru-chan." She walked up to me and kissed my cheek. "What the hell was that for?!" F/n smiled. "Just a little thank you for loving a monster like me." She jumped up and landed on a tree branch. "We shall meet again soon, but for now this is goodbye. I'd get inside now if I were you four.", she said, winking before disappearing. While my bandmates were starting to walk back to the car, I stood there staring at the branch she was once on, slightly smirking. "Ran-Ran, you coming?", Reiji called. "Tsk. I'm coming just shut up, baka." 'Hm..Maybe having a vampire as a girlfriend won't be so bad.'

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