And Here I Thought It Was One Sided *Otoya*

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Another request from the wonderful Utapri_trash. I had no idea how to start it so I just made the reader Ren's little sister. Hope you enjoy^^


     My name is F/n Jinguji, Ren Jinguji's little sister. Right now I'm visiting my big brother over at the master course dorms. I love seeing my brother, but I'll admit that's not the official reason I go visit him. You see ever since I first met his bandmates I've had my eye on the cheerful redhead, Otoya Ittoki. He's just so sweet and cute! I swear his smiles kill me every time! I haven't said anything about this because I know he would never feel the same. I mean it's obvious he loves Nanami. The way he looks at her makes it so clear.

     I was brought out of my thoughts when fingers snapped right in front of my face. "Eh?" "Y/n-chan are you alright? I've been trying to get your attention for a few minutes now.", my brother said, looking at me concerned. "Hehe sorry, Ren-chan. I was just daydreaming I guess.", I replied, scratching my head nervously. "Are you sure you're alright, Y/n-san?", Otoya asked, looking more worried than my brother. My face turned light pink. "Y-yeah I-I'm fine. I promise.", I assure them. I then look down at my clock. "Oh, I have to go guys. I have a friend's party to go to in two hours.", I say grabbing my belongings. 

   "Bye guys.", I wave as I leave the room. As I was about to enter the limo my brother walked up to me. "You have a crush on him, don't you?", he teased. I went crimson. "What? I-I-I d-don't k-know w-what y-your t-talking a-about!", I stuttered, internally freaking out. "I saw how you blushed when he asked if you were okay. I've also noticed how you look at him. He was what you were daydreaming about, wasn't he?"

    "Fine, yes I have feelings for Otoya, but it's obvious he likes Nanami.", I mumbled, looking down. "You shouldn't assume things.", he said ruffling my hair. I pouted. "What's that supposed to mean?" "You'll see.", he said walking off. 'What was that about?'

Time skip to the next visit~

    "H-hey Ren-chan what are you doing?!", I screeched as my brother picked me up, put me into an empty room, and locked the door. "What the hell?!" I sat on the bed and pouted. Pretty soon the door opened and someone else was forced in the room. "Guys what are you doing?!", Otoya asked. "It's about time you both grow up and confess your feelings.", my brother smirked, closing the door and locking it again. "Confess our feelings?", I asked, tilting my head. Otoya nervously scratched his cheek. "Y-yeah...Um Y/n you see I've had.. feelings for you since we first met.", he confessed, blushing madly. 

    "Really?! Y-you mean it? I've also had feelings for you since that day. I-I was just scared to say anything because I thought you liked Nanami." Otoya chuckled. "She's just a really close friend to me." He then slowly makes his way towards me and leans down close to my lips. I noticed he was getting cold feet so I easily closed the gap. He was shocked at first but soon relaxed and wrapped his arms around my waist.

'And here I thought it was one sided.'

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