Soft Side *Eiichi*

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This is a request from wise_girl7. I'm sorry if it's bad. I haven't worked all that much with his or anyone with a personality similar to his.


 Your POV~ 

      Today I decided to go to the city to get away from the band I compose for. You see I'm Heavens composer and their personalities are so different and intense that sometimes I just need to get away from them before I go crazy. I mean you have Van who's a major flirt, Yamato who is a total hothead, Shiro who if you say the wrong thing he will have an emotional breakdown, Eiji who's the total sweetheart, Kira who speaks very few words, Nagi who can be very narcissistic when he wants to be, and Eiichi...Well, he can be extremely intimidating. Sometimes I wonder if he's secretly a yandere because he can be somewhat possessive at times.

     Anyways back to what I was doing. Right now I'm just walking around, seeing what new things they have in the shops. It was hot out so I decided to wear a f/c (favorite color) two-inch strap tank top and light blue knee lengthed shorts. I soon enter a cafe and take a seat over near the side window. "Good afternoon miss.", a tall gentleman asked. He looked to be one of the waiters. "Good afternoon.", I replied with a kind smile. " May I have your order and possibly your number if you don't mind?", he asked giving me a charming smile.

     I was taken aback by this and just as I was about to reply a dark aura appeared behind me. I immediately put my head down, knowing who possessed the dark aura. "She will have f/t and f/d (favorite treat and favorite drink). As for her number, I'm that information is not for you to know.", a familiar intimidating voice said. When I look up Eiichi was sitting right in front of me and the waiter rushed off. "I-I-I could have handled that Eiichi-san.", I said sweat dropping. 

    This caused the dark purple orbed male to chuckle. "It didn't look that way, my Angel. Anyways I couldn't allow someone to hit on something that's mine. Especially someone as pathetic as him." I pouted and crossed my arms. "You can't just claim people like their objects ya know. Also, you shouldn't be so mean. I happen to find what he did kind of sweet." Eiichi began to laugh hysterically. "O-Oi, Eiichi-san people are staring!", I cried, trying to get him to calm down. What happened next shocked me. Eiichi kissed my cheek.

   When he pulled away I placed my hand on the cheek he kissed and blushed madly. "Eh?!" He chuckled at my reaction. "If you wanted sweet affection you should have just asked me. After all, you're my precious Angel." 

   Who would have thought this intimidating idol would have a soft side.  

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