The First Date That Changed Everything * Nagi *

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Your POV~

I hate the fact that I'm 14. You see one day I was in the city and I ended up meeting a 14-year-old boy who was from the band, Heavens. You now most likely know who I'm talking about. Nagi. Well ever since I met him he hasn't left me alone. " Oh Y/N Chan! ", Nagi called out as he ran over and hugged me.

" What do you want this time Nagi? ", I asked with my voice sounding a little annoyed. " Is it wrong for me to just want to spend time with my favorite angle? I miss you, Y/N. ", Nagi pouted. I rolled my eyes and sighed, giving in because I knew he wasn't going to leave me alone. " Alright, so what do you want to do? ", I asked.

While waiting for a reply I noticed a small blush on Nagi's face. " Well, we could go to the movies and um...have a small date. ", he finally replied. Right when I heard that I blushed deeply. I had no idea Nagi liked me that much. " Ah um...S-sure. ", I stuttered smiling as my heart was racing like crazy. Nagi held my hand in his and said " Alright then let's get going. "

Time skip~

Nagi was walking me home. " So...Um did you have a good time?", Nagi asked hopefully as we reached my house. " Yes. I had a great time today Nagi. ", I said as I turned to him and kissed him on the cheek. Just then a huge blush made its way a cross Nagi's face. He hugged me tightly and let go. " I'm glad. ", he said then began walking away. As I went inside I couldn't help but think " I think I'm in love with him. "

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