The Realization Pt2 *Van*

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Hello, Minna-chan! I told you I'd make a part 2 so I hope you enjoy. Also, know that I never plan these out. I simply just type the first things that come to my mind hehe.


Your POV~

    It's been two whole weeks since I broke things off with Van and I haven't been the same since. I always lock myself in my room and allow my self-pity to take over. Ranmaru has tried to get me out and cheer me up, but I just shut down. Even his kouhai has tried to help, but again I just shut everyone out. Eventually after four days without eating I had to leave my room to get food. I went towards my kitchen and pulled out a tube of my favorite flavor of ice cream. I grabbed a spoon and dug in. While eating I turned on my T.v and I immediately wanted to shut it off. There he was, the one who did this to me. Van. He was being interviewed. I was about to change the channel when something stopped me.

   "So Van, though you are an idol there must be a special lady in your heart, right?", the interviewer asked. "To be honest there is, but I've always taken her for granted. I had hurt her and I hate myself for it. I was never happier than when I was able to see her beautiful smile, precious h/c  hair, and mesmerizing e/c eyes. If I could take everything back and start all over I would in a heart beat." "Oh, is there anything you'd like to say to her in case she's watching this?" Van looked straight at the camera. "Y/n, if you're seeing this I'm so sorry I hurt you. I love you more than anything."

   In that instant, I pulled out my phone and starting typing. 'I can't believe he would do this. He is so sweet!'

Van's POV~ 

   After a few more questions my phone began to ring. "Oh, now who could that be? You should check. Everyone here is quite curious.", the interviewer said. I looked at my phone and read the text out loud. 

Y/n: I heard every word and I accept your apology. I love you so much and I've missed you so deeply.

  The crowd went wild. "Well now, don't keep the little lady waiting. I think this interview is finished." I got up and got out of there as fast as I could, running all the way to Y/n's house. When I got there I was a panting mess. After I got air back into my lungs, I stood up to see my precious Angel with tears in her eyes. I pulled her into a tight embrace. "I'm so sorry." was all I could say. "I already said you're forgiven.", she giggled softly. I smiled and gave her a gentle kiss. "I love you, my precious Angel." "I love you too."  

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