Why Do I Love This Two Sided Idol * Natsuki/Satsuki *

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Your POV~

I was at Natsuki's photo shoot watching as the cameras started taking pictures of the tall blonde idol. Natsuki always looked amazing with his mesmerizing green eyes and wonderful blonde hair. To be honest I only have on issue with Natsuki; the fact that his personality is two sided. One minute he's sweet and adores cute things and the next he's rude, violent, and hates everything. Syo told me that Natsuki can't help his personality change. He said that every time Natsuki's glasses are off he changes to his not so good side, Satsuki. Still, I just can't stand Satsuki! Yet here I am asking myself " Why do I love this two sided idol? "

Time skip~

The photo shoot is over and Natsuki took me out for some ice cream. Once we got our ice cream we sat on a bench and began eating. " Y/N chan I'm so happy you came to the shoot! You make everything fun! ", Natsuki said cheerfully. " Thanks. I really enjoy coming to. ", I said with a sweet smile. Natsuki looked up at the sky and gasped. " Y/N chan! The sun's setting! ", he said pointing up at the orange sky. I looked up. " It's so pretty! ", I said amazed. Suddenly I could feel small water droplets falling on my skin. It was sprinkling. A few rain droplets landed on Natsuki's glasses. " Oh, my glasses. ", he said as he slowly reached up for his glasses and began removing them from his face. I had a sweat drop on my forehead.

Natsuki's glasses were now off and Satsuki was awakened. " Why are you so annoying? ", he growled. " And why are you so cruel? ", I shot back. Satsuki scoffed. " I'll be cruel to you if I want. ", he replied. I rolled my e/c orbs at him. " I really do hate you. ", I grumbled. " You know you love me. ", he said with a grin. A light shade of pink rushed to my cheeks. " I do not! I could never! ", I yelled. " Oh really? ", he asked. Satsuki pinned me to the bench using one hand to pin both my wrists above my head. " H-hey w-what are you doing!? ", I yelled. He said nothing. Instead, he forcefully kissed me. I tried to push him away but he was too strong. He slid his tongue across my bottom lip requesting for entrance but I refused to open my mouth. Satsuki soon began to get fed up with my rejection to open my mouth so he used his free hand to squeeze my upper thigh. When I gasped in shock Satsuki took the chance to force his tongue into my mouth and explored every inch.

New time skip~

A week after the forceful make-out session and some how Natsuki knew about it and has been avoiding me ever since. I feel so lonely. I was walking around outside when a hand grabbed mine and stopped me. I turned around to find that the person was Natsuki. " Y/N chan can we talk? ", Natsuki asked. " Um sure. ", I replied. " I wanted to say sorry for Satsuki and avoiding you for a week. I just felt so bad for what I did. ", he said looking down with a frown. I hugged him. " Please don't be sad? I know you didn't mean any of that. ", I said with a smile. " Well, I didn't want to do it forcefully. ", he exclaimed. " What? Are you saying you like me? ", I asked with my eyes wide. Natsuki gently kissed me. " No, I don't like you Y/N chan. I love you! ", Natsuki said as he picked me up and spun me around.

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