Hat *Syo*

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        "Y/N! Where are you?", Syo shouted as he ran passed the tree I was hiding up in. You see earlier I stole one of Syo's hats from his room. "Y/N I want my hat back now! If you stop hiding now I'll go easy on you." Silently I got in position and jumped on Syo's back. "Convincing, but not convincing enough." Once I land on his back Syo lost his balance and fell. "Y/N I want my hat!" "Nope. in order to get your hat back, you'll have to earn it back." "And how would I earn it back?", Syo asked, gritting his teeth. "If I gave you the answers then you wouldn't be earning anything."

       I gave him an innocent smile. For a moment it looked as though Syo was about to kill me but then he suddenly smirked. That's when I was getting scared. "Syo? Syo what are you planning?" My face started to hold a nervous expression. "Why so nervous Y/N? Are you ready to give me back my hat?" "N-never. Y-you, don't scare me." Syo placed one hand on my hip. "Really? Cause you seem to be stuttering." "Shut up! I-I'm not stuttering!" A deep blush covered my cheeks. Syo placed his other hand on my cheek and leaned his face closer to mine.

       "Sounds like your stuttering to me. You're even blushing." "I-I-I..." I turn my head to try to hide my embarrassed face. "Y/N I want my hat. If you return it to me like a good girl then I'd stop." With a shocking force, I push Syo away from me. " I get that I took your hat and all but that doesn't give you the right to use my feelings against me!" I instantly stormed off leaving Syo shocked. Once I enter my dorm room I throw myself on my bed and cry. After an hour of crying, I picked up Syo's hat and went off to return it.

      When I arrived at Syo's dorm I was surprised to see Natsuki answer the door. "Oh Y/N chan what brings you here?", Natsuki said, smiling. "I came to return this to Syo."  I hand soy's hat to Natrsuki. " I'll make sure to let him know you returned it. Though Syo was acting a little strange earlier. He looked as though he was sad." My body instantly tensed. "W-well I must be on my way now." Without wasting a second I left.

     When I entered my dorm I found Syo waiting for me. " If you were looking for your hat I handed it to Natsuki." Without warning, Syo pulled me into a tight embrace. " I came to apologize. I shouldn't have done that to you. You mean so much to me Y/N and I don't ever want to hurt you. I-I love you."

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