Love letters *Syo*

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      Lately, I've been receiving little mysterious love letters in my mail box. Each one said something new and very romantic. I'm just found a new letter in my mail box. I picked up the letter and being to read it.

      It said: "I know you're probably wondering who I am and why I can't just tell you all this face to face, but I just need a little more time. Until then, I promise to continue telling you of my feelings through these letters. Lately, I've noticed you've been getting closer to Ren. It kind of scares me, to be honest. I know it's selfish of me, but seeing you with another man just angers me. I want to be the only man to hold you, to kiss you, and to love you. I may not look manly, but I promise you I'm all the man you need. I would do anything for you. You're my whole world and if you were to leave, I would just fall apart. I love you. I love you so much it hurts. I promise to tell you who I am soon. Love: M.S.

      I look at the letter and reread certain parts. 'He knows Ren...says he's manly, even if he doesn't look it..and goes by M.S.....M.S...' That's when it hit me. 'Syo?! M.S. must stand for Manly Syo. He really needs work on his secretive skills. He plainly gave me  the answers.' I giggled softly to myself. 'I know just what to do.'

Time Skip: Two days later~

      I was on my couch, just watching anime on Netflix when I heard a knock on my door. When I opened the door, Syo was in front of me holding a letter in between two fingers, smirking. "Oh hi Syo, or should I say M.S.", I said, smirking right back at him. I yelped in surprise when Syo pulled me into his arms and crashed his lips onto mine. When he pulled away he chuckled. "You don't know how long  I've wanted to do that"

     By now my face was a bright tomato, nevertheless. I smiled. "So how'd you know it was me?", he asked. "You're the only guy I know that's obsessed with being "manly".", I responded, chuckling. Now it was Syo's turn to blush. "I-I'm not obsessed!", he defended. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Yeah and I grow wings and fly.", I retorted, giggling. Syo starts to pout and throw his childish fits, so I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss his lips. He stops immediately and kisses back.

     We pull back and rest our foreheads against each other. "Man I love you.", he said, holding onto me tighter. "I love you too, my Manly Syo.", I replied, laughing at the last part.

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