Too Happy *Otoya*

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Your POV~

I've never been the positive type. I've always hated everyone and everything. To me the world was cruel and I just wished it would end. I hated people always smiling living their " perfect " lives, acting as if nothing bad ever happens. It all makes me sick. Now here I am sitting in class listening to my teacher, Ringo when I notice a familiar red head smiling at me. Oddly his smile is the only one I can look at and not feel disgusted. I loved his sweet smile, even if it was mostly towards Nanami. For some reason, I hated it when she was with him. She made him super happy and I hated that fact that I never make anyone happy. Class ended and I was one of the first to leave. I enter the Academy's cafeteria and sat down at my normal spot while I opened my book and began to read. I tried my best to focus but Otoya and the rest of Starish were always so loud.

Otoya's POV~

I wanted to talk to her. She always looked so lonely but whenever someone tries to warm up to her she just pushes them away. I've always had a small crush on her but I'm too nervous to talk to her. " Why don't you just talk to her already? ", Ren asked me with a smirk. My face felt like it was burning. " I-I-I couldn't do that! Anyways she'd most likely just push me away. ", I said with sadness in my voice.

Your POV~

I noticed that the members of Starish were gazing at me. I got so uncomfortable I calmly closed my book, stood up and left. As I was walking someone grabbed my hand and stopped me. I turned around to see red orbs. " Otoya San? what are you doing? ", I asked a bit shocked. " W-well you see...Um, I ah wanted to talk to you. Um, could we go for a walk? ", he asked with a light shade of pink dusted on his cheeks. "...Sure. ", I answered shyly. We went outside and began walking around. We walked in silence until I finally spoke up. " So what did you what to talk to me about? " " Y/N why don't you ever smile? ", he asked. " I just don't have a reason to I guess. ", I said bluntly. I notice Otoya frown for the first time. Suddenly Otoya hugged me. " Please smile? There's nothing I wouldn't do to make you happy. Y/N I love you so much and seeing you so sad is killing me. ", he confesses with his face completely red. Seeing how cute he was being made me smile brightly. " I love you to Otoya San! ", I said as I kissed him. He picked me up by the waist and spun me around. " I'm so happy! ", he said while laughing. I giggled. Yeah, I'll admit this red haired idol is too happy but it's his happiness that creates mine.

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