Insecurities *Syo*

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This a request from Shimonoo. This is my first time doing this kind of oneshot so I'm sorry if it's not good.


Your POV~ 

   I walk down the halls with my head down. Every day I can feel their eyes on me, silently judging me. You see I've never been the prettiest and the skinniest girl. To be honest I'm dull and overweight. No one's ever said anything to me but I could hear their faint whispers. "Hey Y/n!", my best friend, Syo called as he ran towards me. "Hi Syo-chan." Syo looked at me. "What's wrong?" I looked down. "I-I-I don't know what you're talking about."

Syo POV~

   I could tell she was lying to me. She use to smile, to laugh, to be so full of life. Now, she's always frowning, never laughing, and looks so dead inside. I want to help her. I want to see my best friend again. I want the girl I fell in love with back. "Y/n, I can tell you're lying to me. Please tell me the truth? I want to help you." I was shocked when Y/n hugged me and started crying. I wrapped an arm around her waist and used my free arm to rub her back. "They don't say anything to my face but I can hear them whispering about it. Going on and on about my weight and the rest of my appearance.", she sobbed.

    "Y/n. Whatever they say doesn't matter. You're beautiful to me. I wouldn't change a thing about you. You're always so cheerful and kind. You are who you are and that's why I love you." As soon as I said that last part I covered my mouth.

Your POV~

   'Did he just say he loved me? Did my best friend, the man I grew a crush on just confess to me?!' "D-d-did you mean it? Do you really love me?", I stuttered. "Y-yea..", he said scratching his head nervously. I tackled him to the ground. "I love you too!" 

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