True Feelings *Van*

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      "Y/n why won't you go on a date with me?", Van whined. "Because you don't really like me. You just want to add a new pawn into your little game. Come back and try again when you know how to treat a lady.", I say, walking away. Van gently grabbed my hand and looked at me with pleading eyes. "Come on Y/n. You know I love you. Just give me a chance." I bit my lip and mentally slapped myself for my next response. "F-fine, but this is your only chance. If you mess up, it's all over, got it?" Van kissed my cheek and gave me a wink. 

     "Alright then. I'll pick you up tonight at 8 pm. Can't wait to see then, my dear angel.", he said, before leaving. I let out an annoyed sigh. 'What the hell did I just get myself into?' I shake my head and mentally scream. 'I mean I...I really do have feelings for him, it's just he's such a womanizer. I don't want to be an object like those other girls were to him. I want to be the one he loves.'

Time Skip~ Because I'm lazy XD

     After getting ready for my date with Van my front door bell rings I walk downstairs and open the door to see an amazed Van staring at me with wide eyes. " something wrong?", I asked, squirming under his gaze. "You look absolutely beautiful." A light shade of red finds its way to my cheeks. "Thank you." Van smiled and took my hand in his. "Shall we be off then, my dear angel?" I simply gave him a nod.

Another Time Skip~

     After the long and wonderful date, Van takes me home. As we make our way to my front door, I turn around and looked down nervously. "I-I had a really nice time tonight. Maybe w-we could d-do it again sometime." By now I was a tomato. Van placed a hand under my chin and brought my face up so that our eyes locked. "I'd love that, but I don't just want to go on dates with you. I want to hold you in my arms, kiss you, and bring you happiness. I want to be your lover. I truly love you Y/n."

     I was so shocked I couldn't speak a single word. Van must have taken this as a rejection because he frowned and began to turn away. 'Oh no! I don't want him to go!' I mentally panicked. I quickly grabbed his hand. When he turned to look at me I crashed my lips onto his. Van was tense at first but instantly melted into the kiss. When we pulled away we leaned our foreheads against each other. "I-I love you to Van." Van picked me up and spun me around.

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