Ice Lover *Ren and Camus*

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Well, this is gonna be interesting. Of all people, I chose Ren and Camus...There must be something wrong with me XD


       How this even happened, I seriously don't know. I mean how could I, an average girl with plain h/c hair and dull e/c orbs, possibly attract a gorgeous flirt like Ren and a luxurious Duke like Camus? It just doesn't make sense. Yet here I am experiencing just that. Right now I'm in the music room in the master dorm with both Starish and Quartet Night. "Why don't you come here and sit on my lap, little lamb.", Ren winked. A light pink hue made its way to my cheeks. "Jinguji-san?!", I panicked. Ren amusedly chuckled at my reaction. "Leave her be, mindless peasant!", Camus scolded, using an irritated tone. "Well, well is the high-and-mighty Duke jealous?", Ren teased. 

      This must have really irked Camus because by now he's fuming. "How dare you say such things to me, you incompetent peasant!", the Duke yelled, grabbing his scepter to hit Ren on the head with it. I looked at the scene in front of me in complete horror.  "Now Camus, there's no need to get violent. You don't want to scare Y/n-chan, now do we?", Reiji said, trying to calm Camus down. The said Duke stopped to look at me and sighed, lowering his scepter.  I sighed in relief. 'Thank goodness'

     "Are you alright, little lamb?", Ren asked, concerned. "Y-yes. I'm fine.", I replied meekly. Ren was making his way toward me when Camus pulled me into his chest. "You are to stay away from her.", the cold Duke said sternly. I looked up at him confused. "Now someone's being rather possessive." the strawberry blond idol teased. Camus growled at Ren. 'How much longer is this going to last? I mean they can't do this forever, right?' "Enough, peasant.", Camus warned. Camus then lead me away from everyone. "That moronic peasant.", he grumbled. "Camus-san?", I asked confused.

      Camus sighed heavily and looked deeply into my eyes. "Y/n...I'm not one for breaking rules, but for you, I can make an exception." He then leaned in and placed his lips on mine. I froze at first, but soon relaxed and kissed back. For someone with a rather cold personality, his lips were warm and soft. When we pulled back he gave me a VERY rare smile. "You are mine now. If that peasant tries to anything I won't hold back." I chuckled and kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

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