flirty idol *Ren*

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        My name is Y/N and I'm a 17-year-old student at Saotome Academy. I came here to learn to become a professional idol. Though if I would have known I'd have to deal with a huge flirt named Ren and his fangirls, I never would have come here. They're all so annoying! Right now Ren's trying to use his so called "charm" on me. "Only the most beautiful flower should go to the most beautiful girl.", Ren said with a charming smile. "Ren you wouldn't know true beauty even if it slapped you in the face. You go around flirting with any girl you find "cute". You don't bother to get to know the girl and her inner beauty. Ya just flirt and then leave to flirt with another girl."

      Ren was shocked and his blue orbs widened. "Y/N." "Please just don't speak to me? I seriously just don't want anything to do with you." I turn to walk away when he grabbed my hand. "Y/N I'm deeply sorry for upsetting you. I never want to upset someone as special as you." "There you go again!" I turn back around and yank my hand away from him. "Enough with the sweet talk! All I hear when you speak is the sound of trash falling out of your mouth! For once I ask that you speak to me as though I'm a normal person!" I then stormed off.

     The next day I'm in my dorm working on my next song when someone knocked on my door. as soon as I opened my door I regretted it. "Ren what do you want?", I asked with an annoyed tone. "Y/N please let me in so we can talk?" I let out a heavy sigh. "Fine." I closed the door as Ren entered the room. Y/N what you said yesterday wasn't completely true. When I say you're beautiful and special I mean it." I rolled my e/c orbs.

     "Uh huh. I'm guessing you use that line on all the other girls too?"  "Y/N." "Ren just go. All you are is a-" The next thing I know Ren's kissing me. At first, I was trying to push him away but I soon found myself giving in and kissing back. When we pulled away Ren placed his hand on my cheek. "I love you Y/N. You and only you." I jumped into Ren's arms and pecked his lips. "I love you too, but this means you can no longer flirt with those other girls." "I don't mind that. As long as I have you."

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