That Was Unexpected *Ai*

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Hello, Minna-san! This was a request from Utapri_trash. Hope you like it^^


    I've been Quartet Night's composer for a little over a month and so far things have been great. At first, they were very distant and cold towards me but after some time they eventually warmed up to me. Today we are all in the music room (don't know if that's what they call it. I just know it's the room that has that piano Nanami uses) in the master course dorms, working on a new song. We were all coming up with some ideas for the sound the new song should have. "Oi, we should try a rock sound.", Ranmaru grumbled. "There is no way we are putting your horrible style of music in our song, peasant.", Camus said. "Baka, how dare you insult my taste in music. 

    On the outside, I sweat dropped but on the inside, I was laughing so hard. 'Those two are always fighting over the smallest things.' "Ran-Ran, Camus let's play nice now.", Reiji stepped in, trying to calm the two males down. "I think the sound should be light but passionate. Bold but not overwhelming.", Ai said, looking at me, completely ignoring the other three. "I think that's a great idea!", I cheered, causing the others to stop and look at me. "Ai-Ai what made you think that?", Reiji asked, slightly smirking at the cyan haired idol.

    For a second I could see a light shade of pink dusting Ai cheeks but then he looked down. "It's because according to my data, that's kind of how my feelings are towards Y/n." I sat there with my eyes wide. 'Th-that's how his feelings are towards me?! My crush likes me?!' Ai suddenly grabs my hand and drags me out of the room. "Ai-senpai?" Ai stops walking and pulls me into his arms. "I'm not quite sure what this feeling is but I seem to always want to hold you and keep you near me."

    I let out a soft giggle. "That's called love." For a moment he tensed up from my explanation. "Y/n could I try something?" I gave him a questionable look. "Sure?" The next thing I knew Ai had his lips on mine. The kiss was gentle, sweet, and passionate. I soon kiss back, wrapping my arms around his neck. When we pulled back we smiled at each other. "Well, that was unexpected.", I giggled. He chuckled at this. "That's true, but from what I receive from my data, you seemed to really like this." I blush redder than a tomato. 'Stupid data!' 

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