Pretty Boi *Nagi*

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Request by tsunderediabolik


      If you were to ask me what kind of relationship Nagi and I had I'd have to say not a very good one. The young idol is so annoying. All he ever really does is brag about being the "world's cutest idol". Honestly it just always pisses me off. I really never understood why his fans liked him so much. I mean he's such a two faced jerk! Right now I'm stuck in a room with the said idol and I just want to slap him.

      Here he goes again, going on about how he's the cutest idol and how Heavens will beat both Starish and Quarter Night because Heavens is the best. "Oi, could you please just shut up for one minute, you little brat? You're giving me a migraine!", I whined, rubbing my temple. "Hey Y/n Chan you don't have to be so mean. I was only saying the truth.", the young idol pouted.

       "Yeah well you don't have to say the same things over and over for one and two if you're so confident about that then stop talking about it and actually do it.", I mumbled. "Geez what's got you all grumpy, my pretty angel?", he asked, slightly hurt by your harsh tone. "Just that you're annoying. You say all this shit but you can never back it up. Until you can I just feel you shouldn't say anything about it.", I explained with a deadpan expression. "Now, why don't you go bug Kira or Shion, little pretty boi."

       Nagi chuckled and quickly pecked me on the lips. "Thanks for the compliment, my dear angel.", he said before running off. 'D-damn him.' Though in my head I was annoyed, my heart was overjoyed and a smiled crept its way onto my face. 'Stupid pretty boi, but it seems you're my stupid pretty boi.'

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