Chapter 15

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Oliver and Felicity rode in the same car to ward the club.

"So," Felicity asked, "what's the plan?"

"Go, seek, find, and return home with the cure to save starling city."

Felicity coughs her throat turning dry. "I assume I'll be your extra eyes?"

"Security cameras," he confirmed.

"Alright. Where is the cure anyway?"

"Diggle said you found it," Arrow said.

Felicity cleared her throat and said, "I found it?"

"That's what he said. That he reviewed your notes of Queen Consolidated but you found it first."

"I don't remember..." she said.

"No matter," said Oliver, "who found it, just that we did."


They pull into Queen Consolidated and walk in to find that everything has already been prepared for tonight. "Where exactly did you find where the cure was at, John?" Felicity asked staring up at him.

"I just reviewed your notes," he yawned. "It was pretty easy, I think you found it, but it didn't click in since you were so tired..." He laughed and choked on the word, "Distracted."

She blushed and hit him in the chest after locking eyes with Olivers.

"Notes? I don't think I..." Felicity went over to her chair, and sat down at the computers. "What notes?" she asked him looking on the desk and in the computer.

Diggle peered over her shoulder, "The ones you left on the screen."

"I didn't leave any up," she said turning to Oliver, that was right beside her, "did you?"

He shook his head now becomming interested in the conversation at hand. "What are you saying?"

"Well, if I didn't leave and notes, and you didn't either, it beggs me to wonder... who did?" Felicity searched the active bar and found what time that someone pulled up the notes. "What time did you arrive here, John?"

"Ten twenty," he said looking at his watch, "Two hours ago."

"You sure?" she said. "You have to be exact."

"Why?" Oliver asked her.

"I'm sure, I made some coffee and the clock is right above it. I check the time when I first walked in."

Felicity's fingers ran across her mouth. "Well," she said, "it shows that someone pulled up the notes at ten ninteen. Exactly." She turns in her chair to face them both. "Did you see anyone leave?"

"No, just the workers working."

Oliver took up the job of questioning Diggle. "Any guests that stood out?"

"Laurel... was here."

The sound at the flawless Miss Lance made Felicity sigh and go back to examining her 'notes.'

Oliver was anything but obvious to Felicity reaction to Laurel's name. He smiled at her jealousy. "Was she with anyone?"

"Tommy wasn't with her if that's what you're asking. Blood was." Diggle shugged, "They weren't acting like they were trying to hide anything."

"'Blood was?' Who's Blood?"

"Sebastian Blood. The guy that's trying to 'save' the city." Felicity pulled up a picture of the man. "He's running for Mayor, but if yoy asked my vote, I'd say no."

"Why?" Oliver asked.

"Notice that his mouth is smiling in every photo, but if you look at his eyes, they just don't look right." Felicity pointed out the other obious, "And his last name is Blood. Why would anyone choose a guy that has the last name Blood for mayor?"

Oliver shrugged seeing her point in the matter. "The doc... documents that Dig looked at say that the cure is on the top floor of Queen's Con-solidated. It-It'll arrive at nightfall," she coughed.

"Are you okay?" Oliver placed a hand on her shoulder. She nodded her head but typed on the screen for some water.

While Oliver got the water she typed for Dig to get her some gum. Why does this hurt so much? she wondered. The air in her lungs was starting to burn. It felt like no air at all was getting to her lungs. She gasped and tired to force air into her lungs and Dig started to rub her back.

"Oliver?" he yelled out trying not to have Felicity worry too much. "Hurry with the water." Despite Diggle worrying on the inside, his voice was calming, reasurring, or at least making Felicity think she'll be fine.

Felicity tried to concentrate on someting else. Through a window that was a head of her the sun was starting to go down peacfully. Shots of orange and fire red ran across the sky dancing and making shapes. She even saw a bit of purple.

"Just breathe, friend, breathe."

I wish I could, she wanted to say, but I can't. Felicity put a hand over her mouth while her coughing became louder and louder. A ringing in her ears started to form and Diggle picked her up by her elbows and led her over to the table.

Oliver brought the water quickly and placed it in her hands. But with a clash, it slipped from her hands as the sun went behind the land.

It's been three days... three days since The Count has died... she wondered, What did he do to me?

Steady Arrow (Oliver and Felicity - Olicity - Fanfiction) ~1st book in the Saga~Where stories live. Discover now