Chapter 24

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The wind near Oliver's ear rushed by him. He came upon the club in a swift silent movement.

"Felicity," he said in his ear piece, "You there?"

"I'm here," she said quietly.

"Im right outside," he said swinging his leg off his bike.

"I'm going to go confront him..."

"Please," Oliver said sounding hurt, "be careful."

She smiled, "Always."

"I'm comin in," Diggle said walking up to the front.

Oliver hung back in the shadows. Money... Can be a curse, and be a blessing...

Felicity saw Diggle enter the building and walked over near the man that was know for prostituion, murder, and drug dealing. She held her breath and pulled it together.

It's just like 8th grade, she thought, when I had to play a - Oh screw it, this is nothing like a play! Please, Felicity, don't screw this up, because, uh, we could, like, die...

"Diggle," she said to her ear piece afraid that she'd crack, "new plan, make a scene."

"What? Why?" he asked, not that he was unwillingly to do it, he just wanted to stay unnoticed.

Felicity said, "Because I don't want to have to-"

"Diggle," Oliver odered, "Make a scene."

Diggle pulled the fire alarm, "Is that enough of a scene?"

Felicity was mostly worried about being caught. What happened then? Would they kill her? What if she only makes the virus worse? What if this was the wrong man, and she made an enemy out of him? What if they captured her and tortured her until she gave up who she was working for? Then she'd give up Arrow's identity.

Felicity walked in step with the crowd and maneuvered her way toward Crenshaw, she then 'tripped'. She fell into his arms, unwillingly, and with a swift movement, she reached inside his pocket and pulled out his phone. Dropping Crenshaw's phone into her purse, she apologized to the ugly man.

Felicity wasn overpowered by the smell of sweat and alcohol that was wreaking off his body, and smoke on his breath. His teeth were cracked and his lips looked like if you popped them with a pin, blood would cover his body. What an unattractive man...

"No worries," he crackled, "I'll save you anyday."

I'm gonna be sick, she thought. Her heart beat faster from the worry. Her hands became sweaty and her throat started to close up. "T-Thank you," she faked a smile and continued on her way.

She wanted to run as fast as she could away from him as possible, run to Oliver, into his arms, but she couldn't alert Crenshaw that something was missing.

"I did it!" she whispered to her Arrow in her ear chip, "I can't believe I actually did it!"

"Good," Oliver said leaping from his spot on the roof where he could see everything, "I'm coming down to meet you."

Oliver flung himself off the building and was at her side within seconds. He protectively put an arm around her waist.

"Stay close," he whispered to her.

"Don't worry," she said feeling perfectly safe now that he was here, "I will..."

Steady Arrow (Oliver and Felicity - Olicity - Fanfiction) ~1st book in the Saga~Where stories live. Discover now