Chapter 28

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"DIGGLE!" He screamed through the phone, "Where is Felicity!!!!???"

"Oliver," Diggle tried to soothe him but it wasn't working, "Relax, I got off the phone with her like fifteen minutes ago."

"You only need seconds to kill someone," the thought wasn't one that Oliver liked.

Diggle's mouth dropped. "You think she's dead? I'm walking through the club-"

"Diggle? DIGGLE! What is it!?"

"Oliver," Dig's voice was drained of emotion, everything except worry and panic. "You need to get the club. Right now."

"I'm already there," Oliver said, having the thought: I won't lose her, not now... Oh god, please, save her... run through his head.


Felicity's feet were tied to a chair, hands cuffed behind her back, gagged, and blindfolded.

"Miss Smoak," a voice echoed in her ear, "How not nice it is to see you here, digging around in my business... again. Was what The Count did not good enough?"

Bony fingers pulled down her mouth cover. She spat out blood.

"You must be the ass that's killing the city," she guessed.

He laughed, she could swear she had heard it before... "You are a smart one."

"Not really," she said, "it's not that hard when you get adultnapped for snatching a phone, and trying to bring down a murder."

He chuckled and she grimaced. "Well-"

"You know he's going to come for me, right? You know I'm working for The Hood?"

"I had an idea," he said as Felicity felt like he was rolling those dark eyes.

"Are you... going to kill me?" Felicity tried to remain calm through the situation. She didn't know how to fight, but he was getting the hang out how to bluff. "If I were you, I wouldn't."

"Trying to save your own skin?" the pericing voice said chuckled.

"No need," Felicity licked her lips, "You'll be letting me go soon."

"I will?" He said sounding amused even through the voice coder.

Felicity faked a sigh and attaked like she had everything under control, even though she was far from it. "Of course you will, because you'll want me to lead you to The Hood. Well, I can tell you that that is not going to happen."

The Man in the Skull hadn't realized this, hadn't even thought about that plan. She was smarter than he was, she was dangerous; he didn't like that. "And who says that  it won't happen?"

"Because I think you know that you don't have the upper hand in this situation. He's not in love with anyone. Trust me, I would know. I'm with him everynight and will continue to be, well - except tomorrow night - and know everything about him." Felicityprayed that her plan would work.

"And who says I won't just torture you until I get my information?"

Felicity laughed, "You're not very smart, are you?"

The man in the mask took a step back from her statement.

Felicity was trying to remain calm, keeping it together, she said, “You can torture me all you want. But,” she licked her lips again, “you can’t kill me. I won’t tell you anything. 1. You have no leverage, and you have no idea what buttons to push to get me to spill. 2. You can torture me all you want but without the proper… motivation, you won’t be getting anything from me.”

He stood still and Felicity wondered if she’d gone too far. “Anyways, if you want to start torturing me, go right ahead. I have stuff to do.” She waited for the sting of a knife to come, the cock of a gun, the burn of metal, or the drowning of water. Nothing happened.

“You’re not as smart as you look, Ms. Smoak.” I’m not? That’s not a good sign…Is he calling my bluff? Am I bluffing? I will not give up Oliver’s secret!

“People have been watching you, and when you slip up, and trust me, you will, we will know exactly who the Hood is.”

Felicity corrected him without thinking, “Arrow.”


“His name. His name is Green Arrow. Not ‘The Hood.’”

He cut her loose and she waited for any other damage to be done.

But she just sat there, in the darkness of an old abandoned warehouse.

Steady Arrow (Oliver and Felicity - Olicity - Fanfiction) ~1st book in the Saga~Where stories live. Discover now