Chapter 50

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There was only one thing wrong with this situation...

"Officer.... Nass?" It was such an unusal name she didn't really know if it was ligit. Nass? Who has the last name Nass?

"There is only one thing wrong with this picture," Nass folded his hands together wondering what excuse this IT girl could come up with. "When I became Exectutive Assistant for Queen Consolidated, I had to spilt my life. During business, I would always, always sign one way, and in my personal time, I would sign different. It would clear up situations like this when someone would be acting like a fraud. This signature," she taps the paper, "is my private one. The one I use in my free time. And even if I did give the 'go-ahead' for this, it's chemicals and weaponry. It's not illeagal. So, if this is all you have on me, I would like to leave."

She stood but didn't leave - trying to be respectful.

"Don't leave town," he ordered her. She nodded and left quickly, passing Roy on the way out.

Felicity picked up her phone at the front desk and the few possions she on her. She quickly dialed Oliver's number but it went straight to voice mail.

"You... Mother Trucker you... Ugh!" Felicity picked up the phone and called Diggle. "You have to stop Oliver!" she yelled.

"I thought... Wait, what have you been doing for the past-"

"I was at the police station. I was wrong, they aren't trying to frame Oliver, oh, no, they are trying to blackmail me!" Felicity pushed her hair put of her eyes. "Look, we have to stop Oliver before he does something he will regret!"

"He is just going there to talk, Felicity," Diggle said. "It's not that big of a deal..."

"Sebastian Blood hates the Green Arrow. Sebastian blames Arrow for the Quake and the hundreds that have died. Including his nephew, or so that says in the report that his nephew died in the Earth Quake. If Sebastian Blood gets the chance, he'll kill Oliver! Was Sebastian there when you dropped off the computer?"

"Yeah, the assistant was just leaving and she said that Blood would be staying late."

"Okay, I'll hurry over there, but you're closer. Pleas, stop him?" Felicity waited for an answer but Diggle was silent. Then he hung up and Felicity knew he was leaving to get to the Office. "Thank you," she said to no one.

Oliver pulled the string back insides Blood's office, "Sebastian Blood? You have failed this city."

Sebastian looked frightened, no more surprised to see the Hood inside his office late at night. He wasn't expecting him – one day, but not today. Not since the change.

"Of all super hero kick ass nicknames, you choose 'The Hood'?"

"I changed it to 'Green Arrow', is that any better for you?" Oliver asked sarcastically not caring about what this murder thinks.

"That's way better, thanks," Sebastian rested his hands on the desk behind him, kicking his feet out in front. "What can I do for you, Arrow?"

"I want to know where the cure is. Now," Oliver ordered.

"To the Three Day virus? I have no idea where it is. I don't have it, why would you think I would?" Sebastian didn't care much for the vigilante, at all, but he wasn't going to be scared of him.

Oliver was showing his restraint, he hated when people played stupid, including criminals. "Because of the laptop you gave to Ms. Smoak had files on it of everything to bank receipts and hospital records of the transactions that a dead man made. 'Slade Wilson'? He's dead. That was just an excuse to tell F – Ms. Smoak so that she could crack into the computer. Now, that she has, and I downloaded a copy when she was at work, I know everything. So, I will tell you again," his voice monitor was low and held much authority. "Give me the cure."

Steady Arrow (Oliver and Felicity - Olicity - Fanfiction) ~1st book in the Saga~Where stories live. Discover now