Chapter 44

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Eric's mouth opened the slightest, "The billionaire?"

He smiled, "Yes, the billionaire." And the guy that can break your neck if you touch her, Oliver added silently in his head.

Eric was a few inches shorter than Oliver - that was true, and less muscular for sure, he still looked boyish - like he always has and like Felicity always remembered him to be.

"I'm Eric Amell, the man that lives in a crappy apartment on the outskirts of town and has crappy pay, but loves the job he does. Do you have a thing for saving people? I could put your muscles to work," Eric shook Oliver's hand and tried and failed to lighten the situation with Oliver.

"I like the idea of it, yes," Oliver put on a fake smile that was not a secret to Eric.

Eric nodded and kind of stood there, now feeling like the third wheel. "Um, so you guys are involved?"

Oliver looked back at Felicity but she was already staring at him. They hadn't talked about it yet, was she his girlfriend? He did just address himself as her boyfriend, that was a good sign, right? Oliver thought of Felicity as something more than a girlfriend, actually, even though he tried not too.

"Yes," Oliver said getting a hopeful glace at Felicity. Her eyes lit up and they brightened his soul the slightest bit.

"Oh, okay," Eric said stepping away and out of the room. Oliver's demon side laughed in his face, he knew Eric was only here because he wanted to see Felicity for some reason unknown to him.

Eric started to break away from the two of them, knowing they needed to spend some time alone.

Felicity shouted out at the last second, "Eric!" He turned around in the door frame to see her leaning forward, mouth ajar, like she wanted to say something, that or was in pain.

"How..." Felicity's throat felt like chalk. "H-how is my mother?"

Eric smiled and walked back into the room, sitting in the chair that was next to the bed. He pulled up closer to the bed than Oliver would have liked, but he let it fly since it was about her Mother.

Oliver mumbled in his mind, One that Felicity never talks about...

Oliver didn't like how this Eric knew more of Felicity than he did, but it looks like he knew the Felicity that was in the past, before she grew up and came here.

Eric swallowed, pushing his short forehead bangs around just to use his hands. "I... I don't know where to start. After you left, and broke our engagement, she broke down. I took over her job at the restrant, and went to school at night. She was so low on bills that she would up her dancing job at the club more than her waitressing job."

Felicity's eyes fell to the floor as one word stuck out in Oliver mind: Engagment. That could mean a lot of things, he shouldn't jump to conclusions.

"The pimp wanted more from her since she was so good, and she needed the money, so..." Eric eyes fell to Felicity's spot of the floor.

Oliver stayed silent - almost like he wasn't there, but when Felicity's eyes snapped up to meet Eric's he took a step forward, wondering what they were saying without words.

"So?" she probed on fearing that Eric's unsaid words was what she was thinking.

Eric licked his lips and replied, "So... he had her start to sleep with the men for money." Felicity let the tears spill out over her cheeks, she tried to wipe them away, but they kept coming.

"There's more, Fire," Eric used his old nickname for the girl he was once proposed to.

"More than her... sleeping with them?" Felicity's mouth fell open.

Steady Arrow (Oliver and Felicity - Olicity - Fanfiction) ~1st book in the Saga~Where stories live. Discover now