Chapter 18

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Diggle came in soon after that, and Felicity removed herself from the scene. She was trying to convince herself that Oliver and her, just needed to work everything out, nothing sexual was anywhere near their relationship..... Nowhere close!

Okay, maybe a little.... but it's not like Oliver thought if their relationship like that... Ha,ha.... right?

Urgh! Men! They are so damn complicated! Sometimes Felicity laid in bed thinking about everything good that could come about if a group of women just went out, and searched, then found the island of Valhalla. Where no men are allowed!!!! Everything would just be so much easier. Felicity was pretty sure that most if the women on this planet would turn gay if men weren't so sexy.

But a life without ever seeing Oliver? You might as well call it hell.....

Felicity drove herself home and slipped into her comfy couch. She flips through the channels and until she comes to something she likes. Pride and Predijude...

Oh my god, Felicity thought, my life it literally in front of my face... They should have just casted me as Elizabeth Bennett, she thought. Lady of not much fortune is in love in a million, billionaire.... yep... she thought.... thats me....

There was a knock on her door and she shouted, "Oliver, I'm fine! Go home!!!! Really it was just a bad cough, not more..." She opened the door to find not Oliver, but Diggle at her door step.

"Felicity, may I?" He asked nervously.

"John," she said surprised, "yes, yeah, sorry, I thought you were...." She trails off and get back on track, "What do you need?"

"Umm.... I was just checking in."

A thought struck her.... "John, where is Oliver? It's not even nine yet, you should still be at his side."

Diggle looked down.... "Where is he? Is he okay? John!"

"He's fine," Diggle said realizing her panicky state, "I just wanted to..."

Felicity nodded, she understood the trouble of being alone sometimes. "I'll get us a cup of coffee. Make yourself at home."

Diggle went in to sit on her couch. "You know," he said, "I really like your apartment..."

"That's what Oliver said, I would think he would find it annoying..." she brought back the mugs.

"Now," she said, "I can just tell now by your facial expression how your not here to just chit-chat.... that was my original thought but you have the look on your face that says your about to ask for some womanly advice."

"You are the only woman friend I have...." He sighed, "could you help me...?"

"Of course," she said with a friendly smile, "You trying to get Carly back?"

"Yes, and I wanted to ask her to the Queen's Memorial... it's a sad event, but I know it's important to Oliver... since Oliver already asked you-"

"Wait.... Wait, wait...." Felicity leaned up in her rocking chair, "Oliver hasn't mentioned it to me...."

John's mouth was in the 'O' form telling her he didn't know. "Oliver hasn't asked you yet," he put together.

"No, I had no idea event about this Queen's Memorial." She places her cup on the table and scooted over to sit next to Diggle. She bit her lip, and said with a smile, "John..... You know something I don't.... Tell!"

He broke down, "Oliver... He's been asked to bring a plus one... to the Queen's Memorial. An event that is being held in his Father's memory. It means a lot to him and he has been planning to ask..."

Steady Arrow (Oliver and Felicity - Olicity - Fanfiction) ~1st book in the Saga~Where stories live. Discover now