Chapter 22

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"The guy runs an underground club, and apparently is a big fan of...." she blushed and shut up, just letting Diggle read the report himself.

"What?" Diggle said looking at her.

"Keep reading," she advised.


"Keep going..."

Diggle's eyes nearly popped out of his head. "What!!!!!!"

Felicity stood and looked over Diggle's shoulder. "You're right here?" she guessed. He nodded. "Please, keep going, there should be one more...."

So, Diggle did and Felicity got the expression that she though she was going to get.

"You're not doing this..."

"You sound like Oliver," she said, "its not your choice. this is the way, I know the way, I'll do the way."

Diggle gritted his teeth together. "I'm coming with you then."

"You know you can't. This is something I'll have to do alone. For Oliver and the city."

Felicity gave him those eyes that he couldn't resist. "What am I going to tell Oliver?"

She smiled, "Tell him I've got a date..."

"With the devil..." Diggle said quietly.

"Tell him that too.... I just might need him to come after me..."

"You know he will," Diggle mumbled.

Steady Arrow (Oliver and Felicity - Olicity - Fanfiction) ~1st book in the Saga~Where stories live. Discover now