Chapter 42

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Felicity's thoughts whirled. No, Eric wasn't really here... I'm hallucinating, or... or, something. He couldn't be here. I left him back in Vegas. No, Eric is not here. He had big plans to go to big places and that's why we were thrown together. No plans to come to Starling City... No, no way.

She was loaded up into the ambulance and she was laid under the lights in the truck when the doors shut behind her. The vehicle took off and while people went to work fixing her up, Diggle took her one hand of hers, and Carly took the other. She didn't even see them come in.

"I'm right here, Friend," Diggle said giving her hand a squeeze.

"A loved one is here. We love you, Felicity, you're gonna be fine," Carly had no experience with comforting the wounded, Diggle did, but he hated it. He hated seeing someone in pain, well, so did Carly, but she didn't think about that. She thought about keeping Felicity comfortable - not having her panic in a serious situation.

"Where's Oliver?" Felicity sniffled and a tear ran down her cheeks.

Carly looked over at Diggle, waiting for the answer just as much as Felicity. She wasn't a huge fan of the billionaire, but she expected more from him, that's for damn sure. She expected him to be here, holding and comforting the hand of his... Girlfriend? Carly didn't know what they were, she knew they were something strong, she had never seen Oliver smile and act so pure and... relaxed. Well, then again, she didn't know Mr. Queen that well.

"He's coming. He'll be here," Diggle didn't know what else to say. "He will be. I promise."

"I believe you," Felicity whispered hoarsely.

The ambulance took off, driving smoothly to the hospital. When Felicity was carried into the hospital, Carly let go of her arm and clung to Dig.

"Well," she huffed, "isn't this an interesting night." Carly took John's hand, and hugged his chest. He pulled her close and wanted to protect her from all of this. He wanted this night to go well, instead a woman John loved dearly was lying on a hospital bed - about to go into surgery to remove the bullet lodged into the flesh between her neck and shoulder.

Oliver ran back into the building - looking for the woman who was bleeding cold and alone that he left on the floor. He hated himself for that, more so since he knew he should have stayed, but he caught Lawton, and ended his future kills by calling Amanda. He knew that she could end Dead shot's torture to other familes.

"Mom!" Oliver yelled, running over to her. "Where's Felicity?"

Moira huffed and almost laughed. How can her son be thinking of someone that can destroy his family? Rip it apart in a matter of mere words?

Moira said putting a hand on her hip, "You should be worried about Thea and this family. She was worried when we didn't find you - we all were. She's over by the buffet with Roy."

Oliver waved the gesture about going to see his sister away - he needed to find Felicity. Now.

"No, Mom, you don't understand. Where is Felicity?" his voice was rushed, he wanted to be by her side. He needed to be by her side. She needed him now, like he needed her on a daily basis.

"She doesn't matter, Oliver. You're family needs you, now... Come, let's go see Thea," Moira's heels click against the tiles, moving toward where her daughter was, but Oliver stood planted on the very spot he stood, not moving.

"What the hell does that mean?" Oliver asked not liking the tone Moira used when she talked that way about the woman that meant most to him. "She means more to me than... anyone."

Moira stopped in her tracks and turned toward her son. "You can't be serious, Oliver! She's an IT girl that can't stop talking about nothing... You can't be serious with her, you're not, are you?"

Steady Arrow (Oliver and Felicity - Olicity - Fanfiction) ~1st book in the Saga~Where stories live. Discover now