Chapter 41

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Felicity screamed out and fell into Oliver's arms, pushing him to the ground, covering his body with hers.

Felicity's blood ran over the clean tiles and Oliver's nice suit as he held her close to him. His instincts kick in, his mind shutting off and body taking over. Rolling on top of Felicity, blocking her from danger, he jumps up and scoops her up in his arms, taking her to safety - out of the line of fire.

She was losing a lot of blood, too much, and he couldn't really tell where she was hit since the blood was spilling down her dress and arms.

Everything kind of happened in slow motion, he set her down on the ground in the space behind the stairs and held her head up so that he could look into her eyes - ones that were closed.

"Felicity?" he was nervous that she wouldn't respond. "Felicity? Please, answer me... Felicity? I need you to say something. Something embarrassing, something that will make you blush, please. Felicity!" He was yelling over the other screams that were coming from all around him.

Diggle ran over to him after tucking Carly away in a safe place.

"Oliver!" he yelled sliding away from the bullets and next to his job. His eyes locked in on the little woman lying unconscious. His best friend. "Felicity?" he cried out running a hand along her pulse. "She's breathing, but she needs help. She's losing a lot of blood. Where's the shot?" Diggle keep talking in order not to cry.

"Umm... Backside of her. She was facing me," Oliver explained, pulling Felicity to his chest so that Diggle could get a look.

"I see it," Diggle said unzipping the zipper to the back of Felicity's dress. He unbuttons the choker collar and pushes down the bell sleeve, looking at where the shot originated. "I don't think it hit bone or any arties. She should be fine if we get her to a hospital... I don't understand why she blacked out, did she hit her head?"

"Possibly," Oliver covers Felicity's body with his own - guarding her from the fire assault being poured upon them.

"We have to get her out of here, Oliver, or she'll die from blood loss."

The thought of Felicity dying was unthinkable, but his thoughts just strained from the idea. A life without her rosy cheeks, or wise eyes, or the way her lips moved when she talked and smiled. The way-

"Okay," Oliver nodded and handed Felicity to Diggle. "Don't leave her," he warned in a scary tone. Diggle just nodded as Oliver tried to escape and take out the shooter.

A light red glow came from the window washer lift up above them.

Oliver clenched his teeth and his thoughts fell away from his blood rage.

"It's Dead shot!" Oliver screamed to Diggle running over back to the bar after the heavy fire lightened up. That stupid, little pain in the ass and son of a bitch! Looking for the first aid kit, Oliver opened the cabinet under the sink and grabbed the little red box, throwing it over to Diggle.

Diggle went to work putting the needle into her soft pale arm and then into his dark chocolate one.

Oliver, however turned his attention to the shooter and after Dead shot noticed that Oliver found out his vantage point, where the little bastard was hiding, Lawton took off to the patio outside the second story that lead inside. From there, Floyd could get out the back door and escape to the world outside.

Oliver's feet pounded up the stairs, taking off his blood stained jacket that held back his free reign muscles, he went hunting.

Outside the building, cars cleared the way for the two medics. The ambulance was there in a matter of seconds, having complete faith that the vigilantly was taking care of the current threat. For them though, the current problem was that a woman was dying from the poison that they had learned how to cure thanks to the Arrow.

The medics didn't wait for the 'A-okay, go head, make your way in,' they just charged into the dangerous building - hoping, hoping they weren't too late to save a life.

Eric Amnell was the most educated and honest, the most kind-hearted and down to earth E.M.T. He carried the red bag over his shoulder and walks into the building, holding the door open for his partner to follow.

They run into the building, not bothering to look at all the fancy pictures and things that would usually be eye catching and hold Eric's attention for a minute. Now, all he was thinking about was his other times saving a life. Recently, he was too late, and a woman, a wife, a friend, a sister... she lost her life because he wasn't good enough to save her. Everyone calls him the best, but you're only the best as your last save, and he failed his last innocent.

He runs down the first flight of stairs, and already is starting to make the formula to cure the deadly poison.

Men and women are bunkered down, under the tables, hiding from the open fire that could pick up again at any second. The medics pay no mind to that, Eric just calls out, "Where is the injured?"

No one responded so Eric asked again.

"Here!" a voice calls from behind the stair case they just climbed down from.

Eric and his partner runs over and slides to the patient on his knees. At first, it was just another woman, of course, Eric was panicking; he had the forces of fate of a woman's life or death in his hands. One wrong move, or injection could kill her, but he knew better than that by now. He knew the drill, he knew what to do.

Felicity had now been pulled out of unconsciousness, she was staring into John's eyes, warm and brown and familiar. She heard a muffle noise of footsteps coming toward her, and then hands touching her shoulder. The funny thing was that it didn't hurt. Why didn't it hurt? Whenever Oliver would get shot or injured, he'd feel it... Felicity didn't really feel anything.

At first when Eric looked at Felicity, she was just another face. One that didn't mean anything to him besides and innocent bystander that know was in desperate need of his help. By the time he flipped her over to see her face and see is she was conscious, he started to peer into those shining blue diamond eyes. Those eyes could stop wars, or end battles led by bloodthirsty men. Those eyes could heal the weak, mend the poor and solve any problem.

He didn't see her at first, without her glasses and with the makeup done divinely in a shade of grey and silver, and let's not forget the added blood on her body, she seemed different, but not too different that he wouldn't catch that it was her.

"Felicity?" Eric spoke directly to the face he once was so familiar, with instead of to Diggle, getting to know the story of how this happened.

Through her wet teary eyes, and her dry mouth she manages to say, "Eric?"

Diggle, trying to relax Felicity still, and being a protective good friend, asks, "Do you two know each other?"

Felicity is loaded up into the gurney after having a pad of gauze tapped gently and swiftly onto her back. She is carried off by Eric's partner and he just stood there, running a hand through his short buzz cut blonde hair, momentarily stunned beyond all belief.

Diggle asked, now intrigued with the subject of Felicity's and this stranger's past, "How do you know her?"

Eric didn't know who this man was, but he knew that Felicity was friends with him. He saw it in her eyes...

Eric replied, "She... She was... We were... Um... Uh..."

Diggle had a feeling that he wouldn't like what this medic was about to say.

Eric got out, "We were... We were... Engaged. To be married... She was my fiancé."

Steady Arrow (Oliver and Felicity - Olicity - Fanfiction) ~1st book in the Saga~Where stories live. Discover now