Chapter 17

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Felicity was dreaming of Oliver's words while she slept.

"Come back to me... Please Felicity, come back to me... We have so much more to say to one another, I'm sure you'll come up with something..." He laughed through the tears. "I'm sorry that I'm not the best company, I know that I'm not. We are so different than one another, but you help me become a better man. Someone who you can be proud of... You have a life to live, one that is full of dreams and passion. Your life still has a chance, you just have to take it."

She noticed a wet spot now on her skin. Was he crying? she wondered, For me? Oliver Queen might have just been crying for me...

"One of mystery and excitement. Please, don't let that slip from your grasp. Don't let us slip from your grasp. There's still so much I want to say to you, so much more I want-" Did he just use the word 'us'?

Felicity's tongue explored the inside of her mouth, seeing how it was chalk dry. She licked her lips then and tried to use her voice to call out to the one person she wanted to be by her side most of all.

"Oliver...?" she called out in the darkness.

"Felicity," he squeezed her hand lightly, "I'm here."

"Good," she confessed, "you're the only one I want to be here." She was too tired to blush. "What happened?"

"I don't know... Neither was did Diggle. You just started coughing, and stopped breathing."

Felicity coughed and Oliver tensed standing up. "Well that's not good," she said pushing herself into the sitting postion and jumping off the table.

She was fine at first but the she was going down, down, toward the floor and if it wasn't for Oliver's strong arms to be there - waiting to catch her she would have looked like a carpet.

Felicity looked up into his heart stopping blue eyes. And then her eyes slowly traveled down to his chest.

This wasn't the first time that Felicity saw Oliver shirtless, she gasped the first time she ever saw his scars. The little (well some were huge) imperfections, but she didn't think of them as imperfections... She thought of them as words telling her story, a story to her what happened to him on the island. Of the man he became and what he went through.

She reached up and her thumb traced the scar that was next to Oliver's shoulder. Oliver shivered at her touch. She smiled up at him, her eyes saying, Oh! Did I hurt you?

No, no... You could never hurt me...

Do you want me to stop? she asked in their private conversation.

No, no, no, no...

Her hand traced over every one of his marks, delicately, leaving trails of tingles and passion on his chest.

Oliver's arms wrapped more tightly around Felicity's waist. One hand pushed down and around his back, then her other massaged it's way up toward his neck.

"I guess," she said quietly, "I got up way too fast..."

"You shouldn't be up at all," Oliver said smiling at her in a coy way, "You are ordered to bed rest."

"Mr. Queen," Felicity said, "If I didn't know any better I'd say that you cared," she smiled at him.

He gulped and said, "I do."

Felicity's smile faded and she became serious when she said, "What?"

"I do... care... I care about you." Felicity leaned her head back the slightest to see him better.

"W-What are you saying?" Of course he cares about me, he cares about Diggle too... She hoped that Oliver's 'care' was a little more intense then his care for Diggle.

He didn't know if she felt the same way he did, he used to think that he could read a girl's face and see the desires that were hidden there, but with Felicity, he didn't know for sure.

He positioned one arm to hold her neck and keep her balanced, and with his free hand, he traveled down and slid his hand in hers. They're hands fit together like a perfect match.

"I'm saying..." Oliver had no clue what he was saying, or trying to say but he knew he should say something!

Felicity started to think that maybe her dreams were just 'I'm-out-of-it-so-I-think-it's-a-dream-but-it's-really-not' memory.

"I'm saying... That if you ever need bed rest... then..." his throat felt like sandpaper, "Then my-"

"You're beds open for me?" Felicity had never been so red in her life.

Oliver laughed nervously, "Something... something like that..."

"I'll think about it," she said squeezing his hand that was intertwined with his. "I'll definitely about it."

Steady Arrow (Oliver and Felicity - Olicity - Fanfiction) ~1st book in the Saga~Where stories live. Discover now