Chapter 39

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Felicity was still hand in hand with Oliver when Diggle appeared next to Felicity side.

"Hey, do you have that phone with you?" Diggle asked Felicity with a warm smile.

"Actually, yes, why?" Felicity pulled back the zipper on her purse that was in her hand. She dug through until her fingers gripped the cellular device.

"Well," John said, "I was thinking how the people on the phone's contacts should be here at the memorial if they wanted to take this place out."

"Oh," Felicity looked back between the two of them, "oh, okay... Okay, umm... Well, this will be a lot easier if you guys have a guest list."

Oliver nodded and led her over to the tables where people signed in.

"This is it... What can you do with it?"

Felicity looked over the contacts and scrolled through them. "Well, there are roughly a hundred people on the contact list, and one hundred on this list so I'll just..." Felicity eyes are still looking at the device when Moira Queen walked up to the stage.

She could still remember the conversation she and Moira had, standing in the middle of her home.

Moira started off the conversation in a light but distant tone Felicity had always heard from Moira when talking to her. "If you are looking for Oliver, he's not here," she said simply not looking up to even acknowledge that a irritation (the biggest one maybe possible) could be in her home.

Felicity wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans, "I know... I'm here to see you."

Mrs. Queen looked up from her magazine and threw it on the couch, now giving Felicity the attention she deserved. Felicity secretly wished that she would go back to reading it. What she had to say would be easier to say without staring at the pools of her eyes swimming with secrets.

One secret, that isn't so buried anymore.

"Really?" Moira asked, "What about?"

"Tempest," Felicity said simply like it was a touchy subject, but she was going to proceeded weather hell of high water. "I flagged a large wire transfer you made," Felicity pointed out just thinking the words over and over that she rehearsed. "When I mentioned it to Walter, he said he talk to you about it? I could tell by his face that he wouldn't... British people are really bad liars. "

"Yes, they are," Moira said thinking of her late X-husband.

"So-" Keep eye contact, keep eye contact, keep eye contact. "I looked into it myself, because... full disclosure, I don't trust you." She's gonna kill me for knowing her secret. She won't kill me, Oliver would figure out that it was her. Though, I don't know how- Felicity broke off from that thought getting back to stating the obvious, "You paid a substantial amount of money to a Doctor Gill? He was the doctor that delivered Thea, which didn't make any sense to me until I went thorough about a dozen different theories and I remembered your testimony at trail."

Moira bit the inside of her lip from the nerves, but Felicity couldn't see that. She kept her face clean, no emotion.

"You had an affair... with Malcom Merlin? One year before Thea was born." Felicity challenged to see if Moira would deny it, "Merlin... is Thea's father."

Moira stood from the comfortable couch and flattened her clothes, "I can see why Walter and Oliver have such a high appraisal of your capabilities. So," she said throwing hair over her shoulder like she had the upper hand in the situation, "what are you going to do with this information, Felicity?"

Steady Arrow (Oliver and Felicity - Olicity - Fanfiction) ~1st book in the Saga~Where stories live. Discover now