Chapter 65

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Landon's POV
Today is just another day of boring school. I'm pretty jealous Brody doesn't have to go anymore. I now have to ride to school with Noah. In the mornings he's pretty grumpy, so I try not to talk to him. Brody's making him bring me home from school today cause he won't be home when the bus drops me off. He is hanging out with his friends or something.

"Ok Noah, remember to get Landon from school today," He told Noah, as we ate our breakfast.

"I know," Noah said, rolling his eyes.

"So grumpy," Brody laughed. "Why can't you be happy like yesterday?"

"Cause he has a stick up his butt!" I said, cracking up laughing.

Noah glared at me and Brody chuckled.

"If you want to know why I'm grumpy it's cause it's fucking 6:30 in the morning!" He growled.

"Only 5 more days then you can sleep till 2," Brody said.

"Yeah, unless Landon is gonna be a little shit and wake us up at 7am," Noah said, glaring at me.

"It was only like 4 times!" I protested. I had early morning baseball practice and Brody wasn't home, so I had to wake up Noah so he could take me.

"Whatever, lets go now," Noah told me, standing up and putting his dishes in the sink. I followed after him then ran upstairs to grab my book bag.

I slipped on my sperrys and slung my bag over my shoulder.

"Bye guys," Brody yelled to us, as we walked to Noah's truck.

"So I'm gonna pick you up at 3:20, so be ready," Noah told me.

"Ok, I will," I said.

The rest of the drive was pretty quite. Noah was just texting people and he made me promise I wouldn't tell my dad.

We finally pulled up to the school. I only had 3 minutes until class started, so we were cutting it pretty close.

"Bye," I told Noah, getting out of the truck.

"See you bud!" He said back, with a smile on his face.

I shut the door and walked inside. Everyone at school was excited because it was the last week of school. No one really pays attention in class anymore, but I never really did anyways.

The first half of the day went by pretty quick. I was now at lunch, eating a disgusting chicken sandwich.

"Hey Landon, did you hear about the new kid that's gonna join our baseball team?" Jake asked.

"No," I answered. We play on a summer baseball league. Our team name is the hitters.

"Well he starts next week and he's a pitcher," Jake told me. I was disappointed. I'm pitcher and I don't want to be booted out if this guy is better than me. I've been playing for this team since I was 7 and I've always been pitcher.

"Is he good?" I asked, secretly hopping he was worse than me.

"Yeah, he pitches 55 mph," Jake said. That made me nervous. That's the exact same speed I pitch.

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