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John's POV

Reaching her hotel, I stared up at the many floors in despair.

She had considered leaving me.

No, she didn't consider, she is leaving me.

I scrambled to the entrance of the hotel, but stopped short as I heard the elevator doors 'ding' and then open.

Sure enough, there she stood.

Clutching her small blue suitcase, her eyes red and irritated and a terrified look about her eyes.

She didn't stand a chance

Forgetting me would be a struggle.

I had to get her back.

But how?

I knew Kaylee didn't know where the airport was, as she told me she travelled here by car when she landed in a different state.

I was wasting time, standing here and contemplating her thinking, when I suddenly got a brilliant idea.

Making sure she didn't notice me, I waited until she stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby, going to the front desk and announcing her leave.

I snuck behind the pot plants and skipped carefully into the elevator, hoping the doors would close in time.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." I muttered to myself as the elevator went ever so slowly.

The 'ding' allowed the doors to be opened and I soon recognised the floor I was on and I took off once again.

Bounding around the corridor, I skidded to a halt just outside room 149.

"Brian!" I yelled, banging on the door. "Open up! It's John!"

Hearing no response, my pulse quickened.

Time was running out!

"Brriiiaaannn!" I screamed, kicking the red door until running footsteps could be heard from within.

"What the bloody hell do you want?" Brian, mine and the boys' manager, exclaimed, throwing open the door, his face red with anger. "I'm trying to organise your fucking albums!"

"Too bad! I need your help." I explained, pushing past him and scanning the upset room. "Where's the costume box?"

"What do you ne-"

"No time, Brian!" I replied, about to pull my hair out. "The girl I love is leaving town and I need to do this!"

"Yeah, but wh-"

"Just get it!" I snapped, giving him a woeful look, before I added in a pleading tone. "Please.."

With a quick sideways glance, Brian shuffled towards his bed and leant down, grabbing a box from underneath.

"I have no idea why you need this.." He grumbled, but I had already snatched the box and threw open the lid.

The large brown box contained a bunch of wigs, fake facial hair and a variety of glasses and hats.

All I needed was a costume to make myself unrecognisable.

I quickly grabbed a bowl hat, sunglasses, moustache and a handful of newspaper by Brian's bedside table before scampering to his door.

"Thanks." I called before I sprinted from his room and into the elevator.

Glimpsing my reflection in the glossy walls of the elevator, I attached my moustache and threw on my other accessories before the doors opened and I started for the streets.


The airport was such an uncomfortable place.

It never seemed fun to catch planes.

I guess I sorta grew a phobia ever since my child-hood inspiration died in a plane crash..


Shrugging off my nervousness, I observed my surroundings until I found her, waiting in line to get her tickets.

I rationalised her crazy mind and decided she would have to sit in the only available chair, which would hopefully be next to me.

Turning to the waiting seats, I found 3 empty seats in a row and sat on the right, waiting.

"Excuse me, love." A very feminine voice asked after a while and I looked up to see the most scary old lady in front of me. "Is this seat taken?"

Horrified, I looked from her gaunt face to the seat next to me and quickly nodded my head.

"I- Uh- My friend is coming," I explained, and gestured to the other seat. "Thats free, though."

"Oh, thanks darling." She replied, rather disappointed.

I smiled, or grimaced, one of the two, and hoped my plan would work.

Opening my folded newspaper, I scanned the front cover, which had a large headline reading: 'The Rolling Stones, destined to be bigger than The Beatles?'

Scoffing, I turned to the the first pages and skim read, occasionally looking over the top of the newspaper to see how close Kaylee was to the ticket desk.

Finally, after about a million glances, my heart skipped a beat when I found that she wasn't there.

Trying not to panic, I twisted my head around and calmed down when I saw her shuffling towards my direction, her eyes focused on her feet.

She looked so down cast.

Staring at her youthful face, I watched her eyes flicker over the elderly lad, the same terrified face bestowing her features as I had done.

Quickly, I pulled the newspaper up to my face until I was certain it was covering my head and pretended to read.

I felt her body sit next to me, closer than I would have expected, but who would have gladly sit next to that scary woman?

I could feel her blue eyes glance at me and I fought to keep my own glued to the very un-interesting articles.

It didn't seem long, nothing ever did seem like a drag when I was with Kaylee, but before I knew it, a loud voice boomed over the speakers, announcing the plane to Sydney, Australia, had arrived.

To my surprise, Kaylee reached for her suitcase, rather hesitantly.

It was now or never.

Folding my newspaper a bit too fast, I lowered my glasses so I could see over the top and reached for her arm, the contact sending a shiver over my fingertips.

Kaylee jumped a tiny bit and her face spun around, her big blue eyes wide.

"You can't get on that plane, Kaylee."

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