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George's POV

"Are you serious?"

"George, please-"

"How could you keep that from John?"

"You don't understand-"

"You're right, I don't understand!"

"George!" Kaylee shouted, and I knew she was now crying. "You have to listen."

I folded my arms, my heart racing, as I watched her in disbelief.

"Jimmy is going to take in the baby," She started, her breathing deep and uneven. "He knows it's John's and that I'm 15, but that's all. George, if I go back to John, to let him be the rightful father, it's going to kill Paul. You have to understand that this is for the best."

My mind started to spin at these words; How did Mick Jagger know it was important to get Kaylee and John back together?

"So, Jimmy know's it's Johns?" I questioned, calming down.

Kaylee nodded, biting her lip.

"And you're convinced that Jimmy is going to be a better father than John?" I intervened, and Kaylee narrowed her eyes. "Are you sure you haven't noticed that they're hanging out with the drunken Stone's here and there?"

"You don't know anything, George." She spat, turning bitter within seconds. "How could you assume he is going to be an awful father?"

"Isn't there the option that Jimmy won't ever love the baby half as much as John will?" I continued, ignoring Kaylee. "Didn't you think this through before you left John?"

Kaylee breathed in deeply before she stood her ground and gazed at me, her anger starting to whittle away as she realised my ambition.

"I didn't know I was pregnant when I left John," She sighed, exasperated. "Jimmy has proven loyal so far. And what about Cynthia? John isn't going to leave her for some pregnant girl who broke his heart, is he?"

I didn't even need to think this through, it was dead straight.

"Tell him it's his." I answered. "Be honest, Kaylee. It's obvious he'll take you back. You don't understand how much he misses you. He may have Cynthia, but she's a mere distraction to him."

"But what about Jimmy? And Paul?" Kaylee replied, struggling to keep her voice balanced. "I'll be the world's biggest bitch!"

"Don't worry," I soothed, glancing up at the dark sky. "I'll sort this out."


Mick's POV

I watched closely as The Beatle's ran off stage, winking at George.

I knew he'd stolen a pamphlet from Led Zeppelin's dressing room, containing their tour date's, but it wasn't need anymore.

Backstage, Led had been drinking; especially Jimmy.

He was a first class alcoholic, and seemed to be a hit with the girls - which is were my plan came in.

It didn't take a genius to realise that Kaylee and Jimmy hadn't had sex in a while, considering he'd gotten her pregnant, which mean's they've only shagged once.

So, with my trusty groupies under my command, I told them to hang around Zeppelin, much to Jimmy's amusement.

I dashed onto the stage and smiled at the crowd as they roared and clapped, rebounding my positive energy.

Oh, John is going to apologise for all he's done after my plan succeeds.


Do you guy's see where this is going?

Some heart's are going to break..

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