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Paul's POV

The phone was ringing.

Gosh, wasn't it Ringo's job to answer?

Seeing as Ringo was nowhere to be seen, I groaned and pushed up from the couch I was sitting on and walked over to blasted thing, hoping it wasn't Brian announcing a gig.

If he was, then he'll have to cancel.

Kaylee would be going into labour any day now, and even though I really don't want to physically be in the room, I want to be there to see the baby when it's done.

"Hello?" I asked, placing the phone to my ear, the other end waiting. "Paul McCartney here."

"Oh, perfect. Hello." A voice answered, one I didn't recognise, although it sounded familiar. "This is Jimmy. Jimmy Page."

Jimmy Page.

The man who got my girl pregnant.

What did he want?

"Kaylee can't speak at the moment-" I began, but Jimmy seemed in a rush.

"That's fine," He responded, speaking quick. "I wanted to talk to any Beatle. You'll do."

"Speak about what?"

"I'm going to say this, then leave, okay? The baby isn't mine."

The walls inside my mind fell, and I clutched the phone tightly.

What did he mean?

"W- what?" I exclaimed, wondering if Jimmy was talking or my hearing had gone numb. "What do you mean!"

"That baby isn't mine," He repeated, breaking his rule, but this time, continued with the worst thing I'd ever heard since my own mothers death. "It's John's."


Ringo's POV

The sound of loud voices and shrieks woke me up, and I rolled over in bed, the figure of Maureen bolting up in the dark.

"Shit," She hissed, and I sat up next to her, the voices in the hallway only rising. "It's happening, babe!"

"What? What's happening?" I asked, confused and groggy from waking up suddenly.

Maureen waved me off and scurried towards our bedroom door, leaving me to follow, but when the door opened and I saw George in the hallway, I hurried.

"Hey!" George exclaimed, flashing me a nervous smile. "Kaylee's going into labour, we have to get to the hospital. Unless you know what to do.."

"No way!" I yelled, earning a laugh. I grabbed Maureen's arm and pulled her forward into the living room, where Kaylee was sitting on the couch, cringing, Paul and Pattie on either side of her.

"Can we leave?" Kaylee was crying, her eyes squeezed shut.

"Yes, sweetie, we're waiting for the car." Pattie soothed, but soothing wasn't enough, because Kaylee shrieked and her hands flew to her stomach.

"We have to go now."

Paul's face went pale, and Maureen's hand tightened on my arm.

Before I could react, the sound of a motor came up the street, and everyones heads turned towards the front door, as the thud of footsteps ran up the driveway and the door flew open.

"Get in!" John shouted, his hair whipped by the night air, and off he was again, racing towards the car in the driveway.

I turned to Maureen, whose eyes were wide.

"Do you want to come?" I asked, and she bit her lip, nodding.

"I don't want to be a bother, so if you want me to stay, I will."

"No, I'm sure you'll be allowed. I'm definitely going."

Taking Mo's arm again, I watched Paul and Pattie lift Kaylee up from the couch, whimpering and cringing in pain, as George guided her from the house and into the large car.

I followed suite, closed the door and locked it behind me and Mo, then headed towards the car that was now ready to take off to the hospital.

"Hurry!" John shouted from the front, his mouth shaped into a smile through this scary situation.

I hurried, like he'd asked, and hopped in, excited for the outcome of tonight.



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