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Kaylee's POV

His hand was kept firmly on my arm as I stared at him, my mouth gaping.

Did he really think he could just dress up and take me back?

John pulled off his sunglasses and placed them in his pocket before glancing at me, obviously nervous about this encounter.

"W-why are you here?" I stammered, hoping he would let go of my arm.

"You're not leaving me." John replied, his eyes staring into mine before they flickered to my suitcase. "Please. Not without me."

I couldn't comprehend.

He doesn't want me, remember?

Oh, why can't I voice these thoughts?

"You shouldn't be here, John." I snapped, finally regaining my confidence and pulling my arm from his grasp. "You don't- don't want me."

"Who said that?" He remarked, his hand dropping to his side, lowering his voice to a hiss. "Kaylee, please, you don't know what you're doing."

I wasn't sure what I was doing either.

My eyes turned their focus to the ground behind his shoulder, my lip trembling.

What was I doing?

"Here, let me take this.." I heard John mutter as he gently picked up my suitcase.

Surprisingly, my hand fell limply from the handle and I allowed him to grab it.

As though he could tell I was feeling numb and shocked, John snaked his arm around my waist and leant down to my ear.

"Come with me," He whispered, glancing nervously around the airport, hoping no one recognised him. "I'm going to take you home now, okay? My love?"

I nodded, feeling glazed over.

What was I thinking?

His words sounded jumbled.

I felt John pull my waist towards him, lifting me from my seat, and we started walking towards the exit, making our way through the large and noisy crowd.

I had started to come back into focus enough to make sure people didn't look twice at John.

I glimpsed sideways at the moustached-hatted dork who was holding me, and frowned.

How could people not recognise him?

My fuzzy thoughts drifted towards confusion.

How could his sudden presence make me feel so light-headed?

Feeling my palms start to sweat, I nervously thought about what he would say to me once we were alone.

Would my age be the topic?

Would he tell me he wasn't in love with me anymore and he just wanted me to stick around for reasons unknown?

How was I going to face Paul after what we had almost done in my hotel room?

It wasn't long before the crowd around us grew thicker, teenagers and adults waving goodbye to their relations or friends as they walked towards and from the airport exit.

"I gotta call a taxi.." I heard John mutter as he turned his head from left to right, looking for a phone box.

Stepping through the doorway, a sudden wind picked up, tussling mine and John's hair.

The breeze blew my fringe into my eyes, making me feel less anxious than before.

I heard John laugh and I turned towards him, seeing a smirk on his face.

"Your hair is hilarious." John joked, his smile making me grin back.

"I could say the same to you," I replied, noticing his hair being pushed different ways by the wind, before I noticed something. "John! The moustache!"

John's face turned pale as he touched his face with his free hand, his eyes looking panicked.

"Shit!" He exclaimed, his hand now patting down his pockets. "The sunglasses must've fallen out as well!"

A groan washed over me as I joined John in his frantic mood, now more desperate to reach a phone and call a taxi, immediately.

"There!" I screeched, spotting 3 phone booths in a line. "Hurry!"

John picked my suitcase up and carried it in his arms, making it easier for him to run, but we had to stop, due to a crossing car.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry." I whispered to myself, watching the policeman walk onto the crossing and blow his whistle, signalling for us to cross.

We'd barely stepped onto the pedestrian crossing, when a high-pitched voice announced:

"Is that John Lennon?!"

My hopes dropped and I could hear John swear colourfully to himself.

"Don't worry," I muttered, hoping John was listening. "Pretend you can't hear and just keep walking."

"That never works, Kaylee." He retorted, lowering his head and picking up speed until he was jogging, grabbing my hand in process. "C'mon!"

I followed suit, but was soon blinded by a large flash, followed by a few more and teenage screams.

"It is John! Quick, mummy!"

"John Lennon! Marry me!"

"Hurry! He's getting away!"

"Whose that girl? Ew, is she stealing my John?"

The words were shocking as we jogged towards the pay phone, hoping nobody would take chase, but I was insane to think that.

Before we knew it, a large group of girls had collected and screams were emitting behind us, growing closer and closer as we jogged down the street.

"We won't make it!" John yelled to me, sounding exasperated as he held my hand and carried my suitcase. "Let's just whistle a taxi down!"

I nodded, coming to a stop as John whistled loudly, causing a black taxi to screech to a stop.

He threw me a wild grin as he jogged towards it, nodding for me to follow.

"Perks of being famous," He grinned, yanking open the door, his face still pink. "Get in, quick."

The screams were growing so close now that we could hear the footsteps and shouts.

"That's another perk," I replied as John clambered in behind me and threw the door closed.

"Where to?" The driver asked, twisting his head to see John scoff at my remark.

"Uhm, any hotel, please." John answered, turning from me to the crazy girls now in view from our window. "And step on it."

The car soon shot off down the street, causing me to be thrown into John's lap, kicking my suitcase at the same time.

"I'm glad you agreed to stay." John simply winked, before leaning down and kissing me sweetly until we turned a corner and I was thrown back into an upright position.

I wonder what he meant by that..

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