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It was just gone midnight when Tweek woke to the sound of inconsistent tapping against his bedroom window. His heart skipped a beat as all the possibilities of what it could be passed through his mind. He'd been reading a whole bunch of creepy pastas online recently, and he was positive one started off with the same situation as the one he was currently in.

His fingers curled around the edges of his blankets. His eyes trained on the closed curtains, whilst unknowingly held his breath. He just hoped and prayed that if he stayed quietly still, whatever it was, would just go away. There was also the possibility of it being a tree knocking against his window, but something inside him said that it wasn't. His common sense had told him that it couldn't be, not with the untimed taps, some heavier than the last, and that's not including the fact he didn't have a tree directly outside of his window.

But then the noises stopped, and Tweek froze. Apart of him wanted to inch closer and check outside, but another screamed 'fuck that'. He almost jumped from his skin like in the cartoons when his phone beeped from across the room, still on the floor from being thrown, and as he tossed the covers from his legs and crept towards the lit screen, there was one last tap on the window.

His fingers held tightly around his phone as he checked it, his notifications telling him he had two missed calls from Craig and after calling him back, he waited patiently until his friend answered.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Tweek. Why hadn't you answered your phone." Craig's voice came out as a half whisper, seeming sort of rushed.

"I was asleep!" Tweek exclaimed. "It's half twelve. What's wrong?"

"I'm outside. Let me in."

"Wh-why are you outside?"

"Tweek," Craig sighed irritably. "I'm cold, will you just let me in already?"

"Alright, fine. Hold on." He hung up, tossing his phone onto his bed as he headed over to the window, sliding it open and sticking his head out to look for Craig. He couldn't see him but after whisper shouting out his name, the dark haired boy rounded the side of the house, looking up at him incredulously.

"You don't expect me to climb up there, do you?"

Tweek stared down at him, hanging his head over the edge with his hair falling down towards the earth. "Well yeah..." he paused, frowning. "It's not that far."

"What the fuck." Craig stepped closer to the wall to examine how he'd do it. "I'm not Spider-Man!"

"Want me to find some rope, or something?"

"No. I don't want you to find rope! I want you to walk your lazy ass downstairs, and open the door for me, like any normal persons first instincts would be."

"Sorry for wanting to be spontaneous." Tweek grumbled, still watching Craig as he looked up with his hands in his pockets, his usual blue hat covering his hair.

"You wouldn't be the one being spontaneous, though." Blue eyes rolled. "I'll be waiting at the door, hurry."

"Fine, but you better not have cracked my window."

So once Tweek hurried on downstairs and opened up the door, Craig was true to his word and was standing on the other side, shivering so much he could pass as an electric toothbrush. As Tweek took in his friends appearance, he lightly gasped at the now visible blood trail coming from his nose.  At Tweek's horrified expression, Craig smirked. "So, are you going to let me, in or are we just going to stare each other in silence for a while?"

Tweek dragged him inside by his wrist, kicking the door closed with his sock covered toe, before leading him over to the kitchen, where a chair was pulled out and Craig was pushed down into it.

Craig watched as Tweek hurried over to the sink, wetting a cloth under the running water and stopping it shortly after, before returning by Craig's side. "What happened?" The blonde asked, grimacing as he dabbed the cloth against the blood.

Craig's eyes that had been focused on Tweek's, looked away and settled on a painting just past his head. "I walked into a wall." He nodded, more as though he was trying to convince himself that's what had happened.

Frowning to himself, Tweek's pressure on the cloth increased slightly, and when Craig whined, the blonde pulled away, startled. "Hold on, you walked into a wall, and after realising you had a nosebleed, decided to come to my house in the middle of the night. Where's the sense in that?" And when he brought the cloth back to under Craig's nose, he could feel an exhale of air against his fingers.

"That's what happened."

"I'm not buying it." Said Tweek, and when Craig winced again, his fingers pushed at Tweek's wrist to get the wet cloth, that was now stained crimson away from himself. His eyes connected with the giant blob, before flicking over to Tweek's.

"It doesn't matter. I needed some air and thought I'd come and see my friend, is that so wrong of me?" Craig used his shoe to kick one of the other chairs out from under the table for Tweek to sit on. 

"It's suspicious." Tweek confirmed, taking the seat and using his hand to wipe the non existent crumbs from the table, whilst still holding the cloth tightly in his other.

Craig looked on for a moment, taking in the silence of the room, and the faint breathing coming from his companion. "Token said you're not coming to the party tomorrow. What's changed?" He asked.

"I just don't fancy being sandwiched between a bunch of sweaty, hormonal people who are too out of it, that by the end of the night, they end up wearing a nice new top that smells a lot like vomit."

Craig was half smiling when Tweek looked up, still wearing a faint red line beneath his nose, contrasting with the blue of his hat. The smile hadn't lasted long though. Tweek noticed, and when the noirette looked down at his hands resting on the table, his expressionless eyes resting on the tips of his fingers, there was no denying there was something troubling him. Something haunting behind his eyes, and Tweek wondered whether he was silently reliving the moment causing it.

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