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It was late afternoon when Tweek was discharged from the hospital. He was cold and irritable. The woman who was labelled as his mom, zipped her velvet coat up as they stepped outside. Tweek wasn't wearing a coat though, and as the harsh air met with his exposed arms, his shivered visibly.

From a phone call his mom had only ten minutes ago, he learned his father would be coming to take them home. Where ever home may be, and as expected, Richard was parked at the far end of the parking lot, much to Tweek and his mothers displeasure. It wasn't the first time seeing this man since he'd first awoken, but instead, his second. The first was when he was mid evaluation, and as the doctor proceeded to prod at the blonde, the man had entered the room was with a half smile that instantly had Tweek feeling a calming familiarity.

It was a relief to say the least, having someone who didn't make Tweek want to run in the opposite direction, just like the time he was faced with his mother and the peculiar, tall guy. It was the main, if not the only reason why he was willing to go anywhere with these people. By the time they'd reached their supposed house, the need for sleep was overwhelming Tweek, and after being shown to his room, he was happy to be isolated for the first time since his awakening.

His eyes wandered the room, slowly taking in his surrounding that once held meaning to him. Now, they meant nothing. The room was by far a large one, though for Tweek, he felt as though he were standing in an open field, and that made him feel insecure. He daren't touch a single thing as he stepped further in. He didn't dare touch the bed or the sheets that would've brought him warmth and comfort. Instead he sat with his back against the corner wall with his legs to his chest whilst he withdrew the phone the doctors had said was his own. The screen was cracked, but aside from that, it worked perfectly fine. That was until the lock screen came up and he didn't remember the code to unlock it.

He sighed as he tossed the phone onto the bed before wrapping his arms around his knees. The feeling he was experiencing was indescribable, making him feel completely, and utterly alone. He didn't care for the people downstairs claiming to be his parents, if only they knew.

It was gone midnight when Richard peered into Tweek's room to check up on his son, and after noticing the blonde huddled up against the wall, he quietly made his way over, picking up the throw-over from the bed before carefully placing it over his sleeping son. He watched in silence for a moment as Tweek pulled the blanket closer to himself, and as he did so, not even the unlit room could obscure the moonlight from highlighting his sons bruised face.

When morning came, Tweek woke with the most uncomfortable cramp in his neck. Perhaps sleeping on the floor wasn't the best of ideas. He struggled to get himself up, seeing as though he could only use one arm, and as he did so, he let the blanket drop to the ground without a second thought about it. He passed by the mirror on his way out, and unfortunately, he accidentally took a short glance at his reflection, making himself want to recoil and never to leave his room again. But he did leave his room, after all, hunger outweighs all.

He could smell the most beautiful of scents as he walked down the stairs. His mother was making breakfast and he could only hope her cooking was a nice as it smelled. He wasn't expecting the extra presence as he entered the kitchen, and after questionably standing by the entrance, he realised he recognised one from the hospital. The other was entirely new to him though, and much to Tweek's nerves, this one was the first to notice him standing there.

"Hey, Tweek, how're you feeling?" Token kindly smiled while Craig glanced over. "I would've visited you in hospital, but Craig told me what's happened. I just figured it would be less stressful for you to wait a little."

Bending his fingers around nervously, Tweek looked between the two guys with his mouth parting as he figured out how to respond. "Um, I'm fine, thanks..." he mumbled quietly.

Thankfully his mother was there, unknowingly working as a distraction as she served up the delicious looking breakfast she'd been making. She dished Craig and Token's up first, before calling Tweek over, and much to his relief, she placed his food at the end where he wouldn't have to sit too closely to anyone.

"I take it you don't recognise me either then?" Token chuckled as he watched Tweek cutting up his bacon before guiltily shaking his head. "Token. I'm what you'd call, 'the best friend.'

"Ignore him, he's lying." Craig said. He glanced at Token with a dry look before facing Tweek again. "I'm your best friend." Out of Craig's view, Token shook his head to Tweek, mouthing quietly that he was lying instead.

The entire conversation made Tweek feel uncomfortable, so instead of replying, he took a long sip from his orange juice, hoping they'd go about conversing between the two of them. And they did. They instantly fell into casual conversation, occasionally attempting to involve Tweek, but his one worded answers barely deterred them, after all, it wasn't as though he was much of a talker to begin with.

Breakfast finished up not long after, and by the end of it, Tweek was feeling a little more comfortable around Craig and Token, and by comfortable, that means he wasn't constantly biting the inside of his lip with nerves. Not that he'd willingly hang out with them anytime soon, though if they were to surprise visit him again, he'd be slightly prepared. He sat back in his seat, quietly watching as his mom collected their empty plates, all the while he listened to Token and Craig's voices. It was when certain words or phrases they said had Tweek feeling déjá vu, that he'd try and piece things together in his mind unsuccessfully, only leaving him more frustrated as time went on.

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