SEVEN: You Can Call Me Monster, 04

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This update is dedicated to paperhuman! #GreenEyesLoveLots

You Can Call Me Monster, 4

It's been many hour ago since I got inside of this cage.

Oh, this case is really big and it is made of metal. They do have like this too? Daebak... This is only for rich governments.

"Hey, you. Who is your mother? Do you have any relatives to fetch you here?" one of the people here who wears the same uniform asked me and pointed in his extending arm into my cell to me. I was just sitting in this long chair. "How many of you plan to ask me that? I've been repeating I don't have any, for many hours ago already" I said annoyed. He just stared at me, while right arm on his waist and left one was holding a cup of coffee, as I bowed my head again. My fingers' tips are touching together as my elbows at my knees.

I notice that their cups here are awesome. It even designs well and with handle already.

"If no one will get you out of here, you will really staying here" the man said.

I think these men are called Police since they are all have this name at their back of their uniforms. Maybe, they are the responsible men catching crimials and they thought of me as one.

I only had one plan here and it is to get out of here and go back to that building. I need to meet the woman I was looking for because she is popular and I think that her mind is settled to help me find the princess.

It's been one hour glass had passed and the sky outside is setting the sun now.

I don't have any idea how to get of here.

Out of thoughts, a new police comer came in the place carrying a drunken man harassingly at its collar's back portion. The other polices inside got its attention. The police who used to talk to me and stand beside the cage's entrance fishes the keys in his pocket and unlocked the door. The new comer police headed this cage and threw in the drunken disgusting man besides me. I had just stared at the latest criminal.

"Jung Ah, it's your day off right?" the police with the keys said to the new comer. The guy with Jung Ah's name seems not in good mood and keeping his eyes fierce. "Criminals don't day off, so our responsibility" he said. "Aissh, but you don't have to wear your uniform" the police said annoyed and pointed out his clothes. Another police man passes besides them and stop to talk, looking at the police with keys, "Hae Gyo, he's from Sokta, he never get a chance to change clothes since last night". "Ahh!" Hae Gyo nodded and agrees. "Go change, rookie" he commanded to the younger police man and pointed out a thumb at his back.

Suddenly, a bell rang and all of the police men around got its attention. "Gathered up, Sergeant Go is coming!" someone yelled. All others walk in unison and fixed their tables. "Aish!" Hae Gyo shook his head and one hand on waist. I stood up quietly like I was invisible and nowhere to be sense. He was never going to lock the cell again while the drunken man inside is starting to sleep in the long wooden chair I used to sit in.

When the police turned his head around his back to witnessed his fellow's chaotic gathering, I get a chance to walk out of the cell and headed at the open door like I was floating that he never get a chance to notice me. He turned back to the cell and locked it finally while still shaking his head and furrowed brows.

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