FORTY : Back To The Joseon Dynasty

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Back To The Joseon Dynasty

[Baek Beom]

The soldiers are walking briskly at this aisle toward the king on his throne. I was in the middle of the two lines of soldiers behind me. We stopped in front of the king and put our closed fist to our left chest and bowed 90 degrees. "Ho!" the signal. We all looked back to the king. "The road is safe your highness, riding through the village is now safe before the sun goes down the top of Seonam Mountain" I reported.


The line of our travel from north palace is on the way the forest already. We had passed by the villages so it would take us just one more hour to head in our destination, the south palace of Kim Moon. Currently, the king is on the carriage which where my horse on its front. The soldiers are all around to accompany and keep the safety. Suddenly, an old woman passed by the way. It was slow. She was a beggar. I stopped my horse and so on the whole line behind me stops too. The old woman looked at me. "Will you not disgrace, the king in on this carriages, go and carry out of the way" the man in horse at my left said as he was the commander. But the woman stayed staring at me. I looked at her enormously and furrowed my brows. "The king is on that carriage?" she said. I and commander Sok looked at each other. "May I ask the king for a second? I am his follower" she said again slowly because of oldness. "You are off--" commander Sok was cut when the woman drew around my horse and went to the carriage. "Hey!" all of the soldiers get out of the horse including commander Sok and the walking soldiers to approach the woman. I just stayed up here and look at her. She was unstoppable. She stayed at the door of the carriages until the window was opened by a servant inside. It showed the king to the beggar. I furrowed my brows when the beggar in her hood looks at the king sharply. Her mouth grew a grin. "You can't stop the war" the woman said. King Moon Hyun furrowed his brows. "She can't stop the war!" the beggar got angry. I was alarmed more about if she will harm the king. "Your daughter...she can't stop the war" the woman said again and slowly shook her head. I was confused when she suddenly tears. "No one can stop the war. It will kill the prince. It will kill your princess--", "STOP IT!" the brisk voice of the king gave silence when he shouted. "Who are you? What do you know about the princess and the war?" the king asked coldly. The beggar laughs like a devil, "HAHAHAHA! You think I won't? You killed the queen! You killed Moon Yeon!" her eyes were big and he pointed the king. Immediately, her hand got cut by one of the soldiers. "AUH!" it groaned for pain. I stayed my cold eye to her. She was crying now while her arm is in the ground. "No one should point the king!" the soldier who got alarmed to cut her hand said while standing straight. "Speak beggar, you are not my follower" the king said while shaking his head. The beggar stops to cry and face the king with glares again. Her face was full of black ink this time. Her tears were black. She was still holding her cut arm. She grew a grin again and laughs again. We are all confused.

She is not a human.

"I am no follower, Moon Hyun. The prophecy will say she won't stop the war. The princess will be killed by the war you've started. WHY DID YOU START IT? Because they killed Moon Yeon and kidnapped your little princess? WAHAHAHA! You did it" she said. I jump down my horse and approach the woman. She looked at me sharply. "Talk with your cold voice then" I said and push over her tummy my sword. She inhaled deeply while widening her eyes because of death. She looked up to me and grips my gear in my chest. She was still resisting her death. "Baekhyun..." she muttered. I furrowed my brows. "He will come back" she said again before closing her turning red eyes and died finally. I had held the old woman on me.

Baekhyunwill come back?


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