FORTY-THREE: Who is Twenty-two?, 02

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Who is Twenty-two?, 02

I got out of the bathroom still wiping my wet hair with a towel and I had changed my clothes too. I saw her on the table, finalizing it already. When I got beside her, she greeted me a smile. "Let's eat. I have something to talk to you. It's important" she said and drew around the table to take her seat. I sat too to the chair beside me.

When I had pressed my butt into the chair, she quickly chop stick a viand from a plate into my plate. "Tomorrow, we will go to Gangnam" she said. I had looked at her. She met my eyes while grinning. "I'm going to visit my father there and you are going with me" she said again. "Really? Why?" I asked and started to eat. "I want to try going to Gangnam with somebody. I always travel alone. Don't you want to?" she asked. I shook my head. "Ani... It's good. I'll be meeting your father" I said after swallowing the soup I ate. "I already prepared your clothes anyway" she said. "Are we going to stay there longer than expected?" I asked. She nodded. "Gangnam is far. We will stay there for two or one night" she answered. "Okay, at least I am with you" I said. She chuckled and that's makes me look at her. "Don't joke" she said and kick my leg under the table. "I am not joking. I don't know how to joke" I said seriously. Her face trot to seriousness too. "Then do not say unnecessary words again" she said. "What unnecessary? Like you, calling me Koong-ah?" I asked. She pressed her lips together. "I said I did not call you that" she said lowly. "Then what words you are talking about?" I asked plainly, pretending to be innocent. "You said it was okay at least you are with me. What's that supposed to mean?" she said. "I'm just saying that everything is okay to me at least I am with you because you are the only one I know here" I said and smile. She rolled her eyes. "Whatever" she muttered and never looked at me again. I smirk.

You just made me love you more, noona.



"WAKE UP!" I shouted rounding my hands at my mouth, bending to his sleeping face. "Ugh!" she muttered frowning while still closed eyes. "Wake up Hanbok-man" I made my mind and pulled off his blanket. "What?!" he had woke up in not time. I laughed. "Shower is waiting" I said and rub his hair. "You sounds like my uncle" he said and rub his nape. I drew around the sofa and pulled his neck line at his back part. "Yah!" he exclaimed. I chuckle again, "Don't say you want me to shower you, kiddo" I muttered heading to the table where breakfast is ready. "Can you stop acting so older than me? How old are you?" he said, still lazy to stand up. I looked back to him. "I said I'm 24 already and you are twenty-two" I said. "You don't look like 24. I should probably stop calling you noona starting at this moment" he said. I stayed my eyes to him.

If he'll know I'm just only 22, I can't command and under him anymore. I know this guy; he is a stubborn hanbok-man with amnesia. Remember how stubborn he is the first times we met? So hard to deal with!

He woke up from the couch and head toward me. We keep the starring and it creep me already. He stops in front of me and I was stunned when he leaned her face toward me. We keep the starring while I'm trying to be stronger. His hand drew around me and I was shock when he moved back, he was holding a towel already. I exhaled and took my breath again. "Noona" he pushes his words plainly and walked away, not even making me feel he has still respect for me.

I suddenly felt that he can overpower me quickly if he'll know we're the same age.



Still waiting for the answer!


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