TWENTY-FIVE: Finding The Missed Queen

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Finding The Missed Queen


I had opened my eyes. I found myself sleeping in this couch. I woke up immediately into this semi-darkness and gazes the clock in the wall far behind this couch. It was already passed one in early morning.

I run immediately into her room but she is not there. I run back to the door but her slippers are not there too.

Where is she?

Again, where is she now?!

I inhaled thick air.

Where in this world I would find her?

Stay calm Baek... stay calm. She is not your mission. She is not...

Suddenly, a knock on the door in front of me was heard. My eyes glows and I immediately twist the knob. My joyful smile welcomed her--him, DO.

"Yah Baekhyun-sshi, you have a call from the girl in this door" he said sleepy and lend toward a 'telephone'

This thing, I don't know how to use it.

I grabbed the phone and put it gradually to my ear, not sure of my moves.

"Dongsaeng-nim!" I heard her voice. "Da-dae?" I asked. "Are you asleep now? I won't come back for two days because I am so busy so do not be so confused. Take care of the house okay?" she said. I did not answer. My lips curved sadly. "Dongsaeng-nim? Hanbok-man? Are you still there?" she checked. "Yah..." my mouth made a sad low talk. "Come back as soon as you can" I said again. "What is it?!" she said on the other line. "No-nothing!" I took a deep breath. "You should say it earlier so I did not expect someone will arrive at 10! Did you get that? I waited for so long here!" I started to high my voice to her. DO was shocked and came to his sense. He woke up in not time but still, I continue, "Noona, you should know how your comrade will be because you are my queen right? You are, right? Be responsible. You are not living alone, I am here now. You have already a responsibility to your fellow human. At least you called earlier so I didn't panic!" I yelled for the last words then gave the telephone to DO. I turned around and slammed the door.

What an irresponsible human being!


I did not sleep for the whole day. In fact, I cannot sleep. She is bothering me all day. I keep myself inside this unit and linger around just inside the unit.

Aigoo~ the situations are being stubborn.

I admit I like her. I am missing her already. But this is wrong. I have a responsibility to do. My mission should be cleared before I will make my own life. Where I could find the princess?

Where are you in this world Your Highness?

Suddenly, someone knocked at the door. My eyes brightened.

Wait... it was already a day. She said she will come back before two days. Well, she is not probably this person at the door.

I stood up lazily and opened the door. When the lady saw me, her eyes widen in shock.

She is not familiar, I never saw her before.

She dropped all the oranges and other foods in the brown paper bag she was hugging earlier.

"Dugeu--dugeuya?" she muttered.

Another visitor?




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