The Jasmine Dragon

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Lillian POV.

You know that weird feeling you get? That feeling that dives you crazy. It's almost feels like butterflies... But mine, they feel more like 10 000 sky Bison's roaring in my ears trying to tell me something... My Grandpa always told me that I should always follow my heart and be who I wanted to be but if my gut screams louder than my heart then I needed to listen to what my gut had to say... or else I would have to feel ...

And I've got a feeling that something bad is going to happen soon...

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Mmmm, that Jook sure smells good." Lillian sang as Uncle was finishing up their breakfast, "I'm starving! I feel like I can eat that whole pot!" Lillian said with a small drop of drool along her mouth. Iroh shook his head at the young girl, "You know my dear, those who eat like dragons usually end up looking like elephant-dogs." Iroh said worried at the girls large appetite, "Hey! I'm a growing girl! I need food to help me grow big and strong." Lillian huffed while flexing her bare arm. Iroh shook his head, "I worry about you sometimes." Iroh teased. Lillian winked at Iroh, "I need to go grab my necklace out of my room, don't finish all the jook without me!" Lillian grinned. Lillian twirled around to leave for her room but instead slammed her face into something hard, "ouch, my poor nose..." Lillian whined rubbing her nose, "What's that smell?" Zuko said rubbing his eyes, not even noticing the pained Lillian before him. Lillian blinked her eyes before throwing her arms around Zuko's neck, "Your FINALLY up!" Lillian cheered placing a small kiss on his cheek. Zuko blushed at her gesture, "It's jook, I'm sure you wont like it." Iroh said stirring the pasty liquid. Zuko walked towards Iroh and then leaned over the pot and took a big sniff, "Actually, it smells delicious. I'd love a bowl Uncle." Zuko said while holding out his bowl. 

Lillian walked in busy adjusting her Ying necklace and crystal but struggled, "Here, let me." Zuko said as he got up and stood behind Lillian. Iroh sat down at the table and began to pour their tea. Lillian moved her hair to the side and felt Zuko's finger's lightly brush against her neck sending a surge of heat through her body, "Thank you." Lillian whispered as she stared into Zuko's golden eyes almost losing herself while Zuko placed her hair behind her ear staring back, "ahem..." Iroh cleared his throat, "Umm, the opening for the tea shop, you uh wanted to discuss that Uncle?" Lillian stammered as Zuko sat back down beside his Uncle, "Opening? How long was I ill?" Zuko asked surprised. Lillian and Iroh gave each other a confused look, "A bout a week? Maybe more." Lillian said taking a sip of her jook, "But luckily for us, your fever finally broke yesterday!" Iroh said happily, "Now we can all be at the tea shop." Iroh smiled but caught the young Prince staring at Lillian rather oddly. "Lillian dear, please could you take these down to the Zeeng's. I promised to return them but I forgot." Iroh asked sweetly causing Zuko to raise his brow, "No problem Uncle!" Lillian hummed as she grabbed the small package from Iroh and left the room. Zuko's golden eyes followed Lillian's form ever so closely causing Iroh to snicker, "What?" Zuko growled crossing his arms, "You seem to be staring at Lillian a lot lately." Iroh said causing Zuko to blush and turn away, "So?" Zuko hissed. Iroh shook his head, "Young love... tell me nephew, how do you feel about her truly?" Iroh asked excitedly. Zuko slumped to the floor and held his head, "So many thing's Uncle... I feel so many things... I just don't know how to do this kinda mushy stuff." Zuko whined into his hands and then fell onto his back dramatically. Iroh sat in front of his nephew, "Does she make you happy?" Iroh asked and Zuko nodded, "does she-" Zuko stood up, "Ugh! she confuses me!" Zuko sighed and looked at his Uncle, "When I see her... It's like I keep falling in love with her... Every day, every hour, every moment... This feeling I get, it's something I have never felt and I am so afraid of losing it because I have grown to depend on it. When My eyes meet hers I feel over taken with inspiration and the need to better myself not for me but for her. When I hear her laugh my heart dances with its sound waves and when she says my name... Even when she's furious... I can't bare to have her not say it ever again. But I'm afraid of destroying what we have... I have had dreams of her and they haunt me when I wake up because they are not reality... Just dreams Uncle..." Zuko finished and sighed. Iroh felt tears form in his eyes at the words that had just escaped the Prince's heart, "Zuko... you have nothing to fear. Look at how you and Lillian have been over the years and over the past few weeks. Change has come, yes... but for the better. You two are now free of invisible ties that dug unnecessary wounds to keep you bound. Lillian has feelings for you, I have seen it! I have seen it in both of you." Iroh spoke with as much wisdom as he could without trying to hit the Prince over the head for his stupid reason's... Zuko smiled at his Uncle, "You will do this today! There is a lovely bridge about 6 blocks from here... You can do it there!" Iroh said in a rush tone when the door swung open, "The Zeeng's say thank you and sent this small gift!" Lillian said with a smirk. Iroh took the parcel and Lillian sat beside Zuko and nudged him with her shoulder, "hey grumpy" Lillian winked at Zuko causing him to think about his dream, "hey Lilly..."

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