Said Psychiatrist

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Requested by suploliepop123 hope y'all enjoy! Sorry that it's late!

Preston Southeast kept his eyes on his patient, wondering what was going on in his head.

Dipper Gleeful had an amused look in his eyes, and it gleamed. "So, what if patient doesn't talk to punish said psychiatrist?" He asked, in a mischievous tone.

Preston sighed, "then I can't help you."

Dipper pressed his fingertips together and rested his head on it. "Well what if I'm completely stable and I don't need this shit anymore?"

"Only I can say if you're stable, or the court." Preston argued lightly. "I say you are still unstable."

Dipper sighed and looked at the ground. "Well I think I'm completely sane and stable so we can stop with these sessions."

"What's with all of this?" Preston asked, clicking his pen. "Why all of a sudden do you feel the need to be stable? Just yesterday you told me that the insane always seem to make an impression. And you were proud of that. Why now do you feel the need to change?"

Dipper didn't reply, he stared at the ground and muttered to himself, quietly so Preston wouldn't hear him. "Did you meet someone?"

Dipper's eyes flashed, and he was soon glaring daggers at Preston.

He never saw her before. But he was curious about her. He walked out of the room before Preston could stop him and he slammed the door. In his rage, he didn't notice her coming his way. She ran into him, and nearly fell to the ground. "Sorry," she murmured. "You alright?"

"I'm fine," he answered truthfully, but he couldn't help feel drawn toward her. "What are you doing here?"

"My dad is one of the psychiatrists here." She explained. "Oh, silly me, my name's Pacifica."

"Dipper." He replied. "But you shouldn't be here, it's quite depressing."

"I see nothing wrong with it." Pacifica countered. "I actually find it peaceful."

A girl who finds a place for crazy people, peaceful, he thought while shaking his head. "Well, I'm out of here for the day, you interested in maybe hanging out in a place that isn't for doomed crazy people?"

She smiled slightly. "Doomed crazy people?"

"Yes, doomed crazy people." He agreed.

"If it's for doomed crazy people, why are you here?" She asked, giving him a small smile.

"I don't count." He grinned. "Because I'm not crazy."

"Right, now where would we be going?" She asked, "just so I can tell my dad."

"Anywhere you'd like." Dipper couldn't help but stare. She looked perfect. Too perfect to be in that place. "Like, what do you like to do?"

"I'll show you!" She grabbed his hand, "c'mon! We're going to the beach!"

Dipper scowled at Preston. "What's it to you?"

"So it seems that you have met someone." Preston nodded. "What's she like?"

Dipper leaned back in his seat. "She's smart, beautiful, funny, but extremely stubborn." He shook his head at the thought of her. "But, she pushed me into beach water. Which is horrendously unsanitary."

He walked alongside her as she walked along the beach. The waves crashed onto the shore ever so slightly, but the droplets of water would land on her feet. "So what's your story?"

"I was deemed crazy by my parents and-"

"No, I mean what do you like?" She laughed. "Like sports? Ice cream? Music?"

The one word struck him; music. "I do have an interesting taste in music."

"What do you listen to?" She asked, not sounding sarcastic at all. Like she was really into what he was about to say. He already liked her.

"Within Temptation, that's the main one. But I do like listening to classical." He explained softly. "I find them both calming."

"Never heard of Within Temptation." She mused. "What genre are they?"

"Rock and sometimes metal." He said. "Not surprising that you haven't heard of them."

"Classical." She murmured. "You like a certain type? Like piano, violin, cello?"

"Piano." He said, smiling slightly at the blonde. "I used to play-"

"You play piano?!" She gasped. "Can you play for me sometime?"

"No." Dipper whispered. "I don't play anymore."


"I don't want to." Dipper argued.

"If you don't say you'll play, I'll have no choice but to push you into water."

Dipper chuckled. "Right, like you'll actually push me into the-!"

Pacifica gave him one big push and he fell face first into the beach water. She couldn't contain her laughter. "Sorry Dipper! You asked for it!"

"How did you feel about that?" Preston asked.

"Usually I'd kill the person who did that to me, but it was nice to see Paz laugh." Dipper mused, thinking about her bright smile as he rose from the water, dripping wet.

"Paz?" Preston demanded.

"That's her nickname. Although I prefer to call her Pazzie." Dipper explained. "She doesn't like it though."

"How often have you two been hanging out?" He questioned.

"About a week now, but I dunno how to feel about her. I really do like her and I enjoy our time together." Dipper shook his head. "It's a little hard to figure out how I feel about all this."

"Dipper you need to stay away from her." Preston warned.

This interested Dipper. He sat up immediately and cocked his head to the side. "And why is that?"

"Because I don't feel comfortable with you hanging around my daughter while you're unstable." He frowned.

"Your daughter?" Dipper was intrigued. Now he understood what Pacifica meant when she first met him. "Sorry, but I cannot do that."

"You'll have to."

Dipper thought about lying. "Alright," he agreed. "I'll stay away from her."

And that was lie number one.

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