"Look. At. This. Mum. Isn't this great? Oh, and that. And over there..."
Emilia Walker had her small freckled nose pressed against the window and excitedly pointed out the different electronic gadgets on display inside the shop to her mother. "Can we go in? Pleeeaaase." The seven-year old begged.
Nya smiled. "Alright, sweetie. But just for five minutes. We don't want to let your dad eat all the ice cream by himself."
With a serious look on her face, the girl shook her head. "Daddy wou'nt do that. He'd get a tummy ache." She stated matter-of-factly. But apparently, Emilia still decided not to take the risk and pressed a button on her smartwatch before bouncing into the shop."Good afternoon Mrs Walker. Hello Emilia. How are you?" The store manager herself greeted them. Not only was Emilia Cyrus Borg's third biggest fan (after her father and Dareth) and a regular visitor to the Ninjago City BorgStore, but she was also the oldest daughter of Jay Walker, head of the Borg Industries R&D department.
"Good afternoon. I am fine, thank you." Emilia answered politely, after only a very tiny nudge from her mother. She then proudly presented her left wrist. "Do you like my watch?" She was wearing a prototype of the new BorgWatch junior.
"It looks fantastic." The woman replied. "You know, we are just preparing for the launch of our new adult models. What about I give you a tour and your mum can have a little break."
"I'd looove a tour. All of Mr Borg's inventions are amazing. Isn't this right, mum?"
"Of course, honey." Nya replied. Well, almost all of them. She thought.
The students and staff of Sensei Wu's Academy were on a field trip to Borg Industries' Borg Tower. While Jay, Kai, Cole and Zane were meeting with Cyrus Borg in his office, Nya, Wu and their students were given a tour of the tower by Cyrus' assistant P.I.X.A.L.
They were currently in the exhibition hall, where designs and prototypes of Borg's latest inventions were shown, when Nya noticed a group of girls gathered around a large, sparkling device. Curiously, she walked over.
"Whoa! They have a Perfect Match Console." Nya heard one of the girls say.
"What's Perfect Match?" Nya enquired.
"It's the latest craze." Her student explained. "It finds your perfect partner with flawless results. You should try it, Miss Nya."
Nya hesitated. As much as she believed in technology, she doubted that a machine would be capable of finding someone's soulmate, just by analysing facts and figures. Plus, she already was in a relationship.
But, on the other hand, what harm could come from giving it a try?
Eventually, curiosity won over sceptcism and Nya stepped onto the console.
"Hello Nya." An electronic voice greeted her. "You are an independent, self-confident young woman who refuses to be in a boys' club. Analysing match now."
"Of course, it's gonna be Mr. Jay." Sally commented.
This remark completely took Nya surprise. She stepped off the machine, just before the analysis was completed.
"W-why would you think that?" She asked.
When they had started their jobs at Sensei Wu's Academy, Nya and Jay had 'agreed' to not make their relationship public at the school and had set themselves certain 'boundaries'. (In reality, it had been more the case of Nya making the 'rules and Jay not having the guts to disagree.) During the school day, which also included their breaks in the teachers' lounge, they would interact in a strictly professional way, without any kissing or hugging or any other display of affection. Teaching young children – including several former students of Darkley's Boarding School for Bad Boys – and gaining their respect was hard enough for them as it was. She really didn't need to hear things like "Miss Nya and Mr Jay are sitting in a tree..."
So, how did the students find out about them? Or... maybe they didn't find out and still thought that they would make a great couple... no, probably not. From an objective point of view, Jay was far from perfect.
"Because of the way you look at each other when you think no one sees you." Sally told her. "And why does Mr Jay visit your classroom every morning before school starts, to sharpen all your pencils and put fresh flowers on your desk? Because he's in looove with you." The girl giggled and all her friends soon joined in the laughter.
Now, Nya was even more surprised. "Jay does all this?"
"Well, who else would do it? There are no house elves at our school."
"Ooh, I wish we had them... especially when it's Mr Cole's turn to cook." One of the other girls said.
"Mr Cole is the worst." Gene shouted from the far end of the room.
"Well, what I wish for is that someone will do these kind of things for me one day..." Sally stated , giving a longing look in Brad Tudabone's direction.
Nya suddenly felt very stupid. She had been so focused on acting mature and serious in public, that she had completely missed all those little favours Jay secretly did for her...
"Analysis incomplete." The robotic voice told her. "Perfect match could not be identified."
"Are you going to try again Miss Nya?" Sally asked.
Nya shook her head. "I think it is time to continue our tour now."
"Aww, but then we'll never know who your perfect match is, Miss Nya." Several girls complained.
Nya smiled. "Why not? I think your analysis makes a lot of sense. And I'd rather listen to my heart than to a stupid machine anyway..."
Deep in her thoughts, Nya suddenly realised that someone was tugging on her shirt. Emilia was looking at her with a worried expression on her face.
"Mum, are you alright?" A few tears were glistening in the girl's blue eyes.
"Sorry, sweetie. I was just remembering something." She smiled at her daughter. "Did you get to see everything?"
Emilia nodded excitedly, already starting to forget her worries. "Yes. E-ve-ry-thing."
"That's great. And did your alarm go off already?"
"Aaages ago."
"Then we better say Thank You to the nice lady and go meet daddy for some ice cream."
"Can we send him a message to wait for us? Just in case..."
"Of course, honey."
Beaming at her mother, Emilia took Nya's hand and pulled her towards the exit.
"Are you really alright, mum?"
"I sure am, sweetie. I'm doing absolutely perfect."
Guess which one is my least favourite season...

Ninjago - One-shots and short Stories
FanfictionA collection of Ninjago one-shots and short stories (2-4 chapters). Canon characters and ships only. No x OC or x Reader. Lots of Jaya ?. Thanks to @Sopherloafer for making the cover (images are not mine). Disclaimer: I do not own Ninjago.