Cupid's Helpers (Part 1) // Kai x Skylor and Jay x Nya

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Part 1 of my Valentine's story. Kailor was by far the most requested pairing, thanks to everyone who has voted in the poll! But despite my claim that I would not do a Jaya story, they still came second, so I am going to do both couples 😄.

This is set in the movieverse, but with the pairings from the series.


Cupid's Helpers (Part 1)

Kai stood in front of the restaurant, checking the coordinates Cole had sent him on his phone.

Although dressed in his civil attire, the red Ninja was on an important mission today – a mission he had been sent on by his teammates, rather than Sensei Wu.

"Welcome to Chen's Noodle House." A pleasant female voice greeted him as he entered the small venue, his eyes still glued to the screen. "How can I help you, Kai?"

Hearing his name, the Master of Fire looked up from his phone. A girl with bright scarlet hair in a high ponytail was smiling at him. Kai recalled having seen her at school. She was in the grade below himself and his friends. What was her name again? Kylee? Taylor? No, that wasn't right...

"Thanks, Skylor." Yes, thar was it! "I didn't know you were working here."

Not that Kai knew much about her at all, he had just barely remembered her name - a pretty name, in fact, for an admittedly pretty girl.

"Master Chen is my father." She told him. Her full name was Skylor Chen then, Kai was not going to forget that again. "Would you like a table for one, or are you expecting more people?" Skylor enquired.

"Uhm, I am actually not here to eat." The brunette explained. "I-I need your help."

"I do hope it has something to do with noodles." Skylor chuckled. "I wouldn't be the best person to help with chemistry or geography."

"No, it is about noodles. Well, sort of." Kai reassured her. "Do you know my sister?"

"Who doesn't?" Skylor simply asked back.

And it was true. Even though her secret identity as the grey Ninja of Water was still a secret, Nya was well known to be a smart, confident, strong, and sassy girl you don't want to mess with. And most girls at school either admired, envied, or despised her for that. But surprisingly, Skylor's remark hadn't sounded judgemental at all, it had been nothing but an objective tatement.

"You probably also know that Valentine's Day is coming up soon." Kai continued. "And me and my tea... uhm... friends are trying arrange a blind date for her with another one of my friends."

"Wow, I would have never expected that from you." Skylor sounded surprised.

"And why not?" He wondered.

"I mean, I don't know that much about you but... you seem to be more of the protective type." Despite not knowing Kai too well – and especially not about him being a member of the Secret Ninja Force that protected Ninjago City – she was spot on. "I am surprised that you would set up your own sister on a date."

And Skylor was right again. In Kai's opinion, Nya shouldn't be dating at all. At least not for another ten or fifteen years.

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