A/N: Jay's Costumes from 'Movie Night'

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If anyone's interested, here's the detailed list of Jay's costumes from Movie Night/Cliff's Closet:

- The dinner suit Jay wears in the first part is based off Daniel Craig's outfit in Casino Royale *sigh*

- Fritz Donnegan, but he also used Buzz Lightyear's catchphrase (from Toy Story)

- Loki God of Evil on FF (who suggested this story) specifically asked to NOT use Robin's outfit from the Lego Batman Movie XD

- Captain America was requested by MNC/FF (in the very first draft, parts of that scene were written for Superman, but I think it worked out even better this way)

- The Hulk (Bruce Banner) was a suggestion from WillowJulien/FF. Btw, Jay's comment about the costume's colour is exactly how I feel when I try wearing something green...

- Belle from Beauty and the Beast. fanOfJay's request was a princess, and for some reason I immediately had to think of this one. No idea why. Honestly.

- Aladdin. For me. And for several reasons:

1) It's one of my favourite Disney Movies (maybe even THE favourite one).

2) I think the role fits Jay very well. If I had more time, I'd love to write a Ninjago adaptation!

3) Yeah, there's obviously the Skybound reference.

- Ken from TS3. It was technically not a request, but I need to give credit to Loki for the idea. And this is where I got the story title from: I went on YouTube to watch the clip of Ken's Fashion Show, just to get the outfit description and the words right (we have the DVD at home but I was too lazy to look for it) and the video was called Ken's Closet.

- Luke Skywalker was suggested by BeatitudeGirl. I was really, really happy about the request, because I wanted to use one Star Wars character and just couldn't decide which one...

- Stuart from Despicable Me/Minions. I needed to have one 'bulky' cartoon character costume that would get stuck; it was a tight decision between him (or a different minion) and Spongebob. I went for this one because, well, banana!

- Jay's ZX gi. From the first moment I started working on this story, I knew that it would have to end with this one!

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