Lightning and Thunderblade (Part 3)

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Can't believe I completely forgot to post the third - and final - part of this story..

Lightning and Thunderblade (Part 3)

While Nya and the other kabuki girls were loudly supporting the Ninja, Master Chen was doing everything he could – mainly by pushing buttons and shouting instructions – to help extend the Master of Form's lead.

"Release the buggy." Nya even heard him tell his guards.

"Look out, guys." The Samurai in disguise whispered, as she watched the Jungle Raider getting on the track and chasing after the Ninja.

"Look out, Lloyd." Jay yelled – almost as if he was responding to his ex-girlfriend's warning – and he pushed the Green Ninja out of the way, just as the car was about to hit him.

"Phew." Nya sighed in relief, wiping her forehead. She was glad that Dareth had used waterproof make-up; otherwise the spy would surely have been recognised in this heated atmosphere by now.

And it didn't look like she (or her teammates) would be able to relax anytime soon for Chamille had grabbed onto the buggy and was getting pulled around the course.

"This isn't fair." The fake kabuki dancer complained. "What does this have to do with roller skating?"

"All is fair in love and war." One of the other girls shrugged. "And in Thunderblade."

But down in the rink, not everyone seemed to agree with this 'rule'.

"She's in the lead and she gets a lift?" Lloyd asked incredulously. "I know Chen wants me out but this is getting ridiculous..."

And Nya couldn't agree more.


The family outing had suddenly turned into a fierce competition when Abigail Sky Walker and Matthew Ray Smith had started chasing each other.

"Out of the wayyy." Abby cried as she was heading directly towards her younger brother. Jay, who was still holding onto the boy's hand, just managed to pull his son out of the girl's path. With his free arm, he caught Robbie and immediately wrapped him in a comforting hug.

He then led the shaking boy to the side of the rink, where Robbie sat down on the ground.

"Don't worry, he's fine." Jay reassured his worried wife who came rushing towards them. "Just a bit shaken up."

The boy mustered a little smile at his mother. "I'm fine." He nodded.

"You're a very brave boy." Nya affectionately ruffled the boy's messy brown hair. "I think I will need to have a little word with your sister. This is not a race track..."

Kai smirked at his brother in law. "Good catch."

"I've got some practice evading rogue skaters..."

"Good thing you didn't push him out of the way. Or crash into him."

"Don't listen to Uncle Kai." Jay told his son. "He's just jealous that you're already a better skater than he will ever be. Daddy never falls."


While Kai was still struggling to stay of his feet, Jay had taken matters into his own hands – and elbows.

"Sorry Tox. Must be my allergies kicking in." He smirked as he shoved yet another opponent off the track.

Although this was a serious situation, Nya let out a little giggle. Jay still was the only one who could make her laugh, although he didn't even know that she was here. Or, did he?

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